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I had always wondered what my life would be like, if when I reached adulthood would I feel more mature, would everything make sense? At what point would I reach a time or age where I felt comfortable with myself and everything I've done up until this moment. Proud. That's the word to describe it. I wanted to be proud of myself. I wanted to accomplish something worth being proud of. So far? My biggest accomplishment had been staying alive—

"(y/n) hurry the fuck up. I just drank a full can of four loko and Dr Pepper. You got 30 seconds before I come in there" Jordan yelled from the other side of the bathroom door

"I'm trying to hurry but you're interrupting my existential crisis, now I have to start over" I yelled back as dramatically as possible.

True to her word within 20 seconds jordan came bursting through the door pants unbuttoned shoving me out the bathroom.

Pouting and pulling my (h/c)(h/l) up into a messy bun, I shoved my intrusive thoughts to side and went to my room to get ready for work. Honestly I don't know who thought it would be a good idea to trust me with doing security because who the fuck was I going to stop from being disruptive or robbing the place? These fuckers even gave me pepper spray and handcuffs. That's a crime all by itself. But nevertheless I needed the money and working 3rd shift wasn't terrible, if anything it worked better this way. In the dead of night all of the patrons and passerbys were long gone so all I did was sit in the security room majority of the night and then do a quick sweep of the place. The only real hinderance was the lack of sleep and the fact that the outlet mall stretched at least a few blocks. But overall, less chances of me actually having to secure the place.

From the living room I could hear panicked breathing and feet shuffling. From the constant huffs and puffs of "I'm fine I'm fine it's okay. Totally not panicking" I assumed it was Tayler freaking out over god knows what this time. Ignoring the sounds of the house probably being set on fire I put on my black cargo uniform pants along with my black polo top, pulling my way too heavy protective vest over my chest. Slipping on my combat boots I made my way out, bidding my chaotic roommates goodnight.

Walking to work was probably my favorite part of my day, the crisp night air and eerie silence. No one to cross paths with or do that awkward smile nod when you accidentally make eye contact. Nothing but silence and peace. Something about the stillness of after midnight when the rest of the city was asleep, always soothed me in ways I couldn't explain. Up ahead the mall came into view and few moments later I found myself getting report from the evening security.

"Hey (y/n)! I was almost worried you weren't going to show up" the shaggy black haired boy said.

"My need for money outweighs my disdain for this line of work" I sighed in resignation.

He chuckled low before continuing. "Yeah that's true but still, I can never be to sure if todays the day you decide to leave us. Besides I can't risk missing dinner with my mom if you quit."

I glanced over and noticed a slight flush on his cheeks so subtle I might've missed it. Junpei had always seemed a little embarrassed when he mentioned spending time with his mother but when he spoke of her it was always apparent how much she meant to him. Most nights when I would relieve him of his shift we would sit in the office and talk about various things, most leading back to much he wanted things to be different for his family. Although he never said it I could always detect a hint of sadness and bitterness behind his words. Outside of myself, I'd never seen him so much as interact with anyone else or even mention having friends besides his mom. I'd started wondering if the whole reason he took this particular job was because he spent majority of his day surrounded by people. A bustling mall filled with families and friends enjoying each others company. Something he seemed to long for.

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