1. Story begins

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My name is Estrella Salvador and I'm from Sevilla, but we moved couple of years ago to Moonlight. Moonlight is a city where lights are shining from the dusk till dawn. It's the slogan of our city, literally.

I'm a drummer. I have been a drummer... hmm, for how long? As long as I remember. My father is a drummer in a band called Frozen heart. So surely I can say I walk in my father's footsteps. Frozen heart is a really famous band. That's why he is a lot away. Mother is a music teacher. I also have a brother who is six years older than me. His name is Manuel and he is a musician too. We are literally a musical family.

I got my first drums for my 5th birthday and since that day I haven't stop drumming. Hahaha!

Now I'm seventeen and I love playing drums alone, but with other people... I just can't do it, because I'm insecure. Also I like to be alone even I have a friend called Imagination. Just kidding! Her name is Faith and she's the best!

Today I am going to the music camp called Camp Eternal. Hopefully I will loose my insecurity and maybe get some more friends.

- Estrella, hurry up! mom called me while looking for her car keys.

- Yes, mom! I am ready about in five minutes.

- Ok. I'm going to drive the car in front of the house.

I nod.

I packed my things already yesterday, so I just have to find my drum sticks and then I can go.

Go where? Where did I put my drum sticks? Hmm... aha! there you are, my lucky charms! I mean my lucky drum sticks. Yeah, I'm a little bit superstitious. Don't judge me.

I took my things and jumped into the car and the trip can begin.

During the drive we are listening music in the radio. I sing out loud my favourite songs. "Oh, I've been shaking, I love it when you go crazy,

you take all my inhibitions, baby, there's nothing holdin' me back, you take me places that tear up my reputation, manipulate my decisions, baby, there's nothing holdin' me back...!"

I sing along.

- Mija, you have a lovely voice! You should try to sing when you are in the camp and not just play drums.

I turn down the radio.

- Sí, I sighed. I love singing and you know it, mamá, but I'm scared to sing to anyone else.

- Please, promise me to even try, mom begged me.

- Ok, fine. I promise to try.

- That's my girl!

I smile and I increase the volume of the radio.

In a moment our car will drive to the camp site. I'm looking around. The place is huge! There are many little cabins in different colors, three bigger cabins and also a stage in the middle of the lawn.

Here I will spend the next two weeks and hopefully I'll enjoy it, I think to myself.

Mom gives me my suitcase.

- Have fun and remember that you can call me, Faith, or to your brother at any time.

- Yes, I know. Mom, it's just two weeks.

- I know, I know. I'm just thinking about your best, she says with worried face.

- Yeah, thanks mom!

I hug her and take my suitcase. When mother is going into the car, I wave her goodbye and start to walk.

Drummer's heartWhere stories live. Discover now