Don't let me see what I am, cause I can't stand it.

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[The following chapter contains: Swearing, LGBTQ+ Hate, LGBTQ+ Slurs (censored ofc), and some other emo-ass shit]

~Virgil Anderson~

School = motherfuckinghellbutitsonearthandimnotdeadeventhoughitfeelslikeimdead.

Annoying-ass teacher: MR. ANDERSON!


Annoying-ass teacher: What are you doing?!

"Uhm. I don't know. Maybe listening to music while you're teaching some boring-ass thing. I mean, honestly, when are we ever gonna even use fucking George-your mom-Washington in our fucking life? Unless we want to be a fucking social studies teacher in a boring-ass high school making about one dollar per hour."


"Worth it~."

Everyone in the class snickered as Virgil left the room and rolled his eyes in annoyance.




As he entered the principles office, he saw his cousin, sitting on one of the "waiting room" chairs.

Front-desk person: Here again, aren't you, Mr. Anderson?

"-sigh- Yes."

Front-desk person: Go sit next to Remy over there.

Virgil made his way to the chair next to Remy.

"You slept during school again?"

Remy (Mr. Sleeps-a-lot): Yeah. You cussed at the Social Studies teacher again?

"No shit sherlock."

Remy&Virgil: Ayyyyyy, let's go.




School had just ended and Virgil sighed in relief.

He could finally run away from all the annoying-ass teachers in his life.

As soon as he got home, he flopped on his bed and lay there for a while.

After a few minutes, he got up and changed his clothes.

Before he wore his pajamas, he examined his body and thought,

What would happen if my friends found out that I'm a girl, not a boy?

Even though my mother helped me register into the school as a boy named "Virgil", what would happen if my friends found out that I was actually a girl named "Valerie"?

I didn't even transition yet...

Would the same thing that happened in my old school happen here?

Would it?

Virgil had a sudden flashback of back when he was in middle school.

???: No way!

???: He's a fucking Tr*nny!

???: And a F*ggot too!

Virgil felt tears piling up in his eyes.

The first tear dropped to the ground.

Then the second one came along.

???: The Tw*nk is crying!

???: Awwwww is the f*ggot sad?

???: Crying d*ckgirl! Crying d*ckgirl!

Virgil ran as hard as he could, out of the classroom, through the backyard, and out of the school's premises.

???: Virgil?


Virgil snapped back into reality and noticed that his mother was standing in front of his door.

Mother: Are you alright, Virgil.

"Yeah... I'm okay."

Mother: Are you sure?


Mother: Are you well enough to go to your cousin's birthday party?

"-Sigh- Yes mother."

Mother: Watch your attitude young man.

"Can I wear my MCR shirt?"

Mother: Not the one you wore to school, right?

"Yeah. I have a bunch of MCR shirts. Why would I have only one?"

Mother: Alright then. Get ready.


Instead of wearing his pajamas, he put on his MCR shirt that said "I'm not okay (I promise)". It was the name of his favorite song by MCR and he had to wear it to Remy's birthday party.

He just had to.




It was very hyped up.

There was a DJ.

There were a lot of people.

And there were the guests.

Some of them were Remy's friends.

Like this dude named Remus.

He was fucking insane.

Remus was the most dirty-minded person Virgil had met in his life.

And just as he expected, the school Jock was there.

He's Remus' twin.

His name is Roman.

And he's the exact opposite of Remus.

He is a very "Disney" type of guy, but also a Jock.

His nickname is "Disney Jock."

Then there are Virgil's friends.

His friend (Janus) had brought over his cousin (Patton) and his cousin's boyfriend (Logan).

Virgil had seen Patton and Logan in school.

Patton was known as the school's most Soft-Hearted Geek.

Logan was known as the school's Bookworm/Human Dictionary.

And Janus.


He was known as the King Of Lying.

People called him "Deceit".

Virgil calls him "Snek Boi", just to annoy the shit out of him.




The party was actually pretty fun.


Until that one part.

That one part.

Where Virgil met him.


One of the assholes that called him slur words in middle school.

On his way to the bathroom, he walked up to Virgil and said,

Dar-fucking-rius: Hey, d*ckgirl.

The Knife Against My Life(Sandersides highschool au!)Where stories live. Discover now