5: Rumors

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Lucinde itched to read something. To take her mind off the problems that she was currently facing. She needed a distraction from all the thinking that her brain was forcing her. All she could think about is being transported into the werewolf story. She stared at the ceiling of the spare room in Ezra's residence. She was currently staying here temporarily.

As she remained in a supine position on the bed, all she could think about is her precious phone. She felt like crying as she remembered all the ongoing stories, manwha, manhua, and manga that she will never get to see again. She wasn't even sure if those exist in this world. There was no mention of it after all. How could she ever live life without those things?

"Maybe, I should ask Ezra," she whispered to herself. As soon as she mentioned his name, she heard footsteps coming closer towards the door of the spare room. A familiar voice then asked, "Um. Lucinde, do you need anything? I apologize for disturbing you. I was about to leave to finish some tasks in the packhouse."

It was Ezra. He seemed to have heard her mention his name. Lucinde froze in place and facepalmed. "I forgot that he's a werewolf. They have very sensitive senses. Wait. Why don't I have a wolf inside my head?" Lucinde thought. She suddenly remembered that in the story, werewolves would usually have this voice inside their head. Although it couldn't speak like a normal human, that voice or the wolf would express their emotions like a normal wolf would. It was a rather strange choice for the author. Usually, in werewolf stories, they would speak inside one's mind. But this wasn't the case in this one.

"Lucinde?" She was snapped back into reality once she heard him call her name. She cleared her throat and replied, "Oh, I just...I was wondering if it's possible for me to have a phone."

"A phone? The ones that humans use? I'm not exactly sure if we are allowed. Nobody has ever expressed any interest in it. But if that's what you want, I'll try my best to get one," he said with a bit of puzzlement in his tone. He didn't asked any questions or explanation for her request. He just assumed that it might be related to her odd mental and emotional state.

While he was busy thinking of how to fulfil his mate's request, Lucinde was in deep thought about the absence of the antagonist's wolf. She suddenly realized that she felt the same. She should have werewolf abilities considering that the antagonist Lucinde was one. However, it was strange that she didn't feel that anything was different.

"Maybe, I lost my wolf?" she blurted out as she suddenly sat up and started worrying about how to handle this problem. The only explanation that she could gather was the information she knew from the story. Werewolves who loses their wolf would slowly have their abilities and heath deteriorate. Their bodies wouldn't be able to handle the absence of their wolf. It was akin to losing one's soul. The extent of the effect would vary from werewolf to werewolf. Some would immediately experience its negative consequences. Some would feel the opposite.

"How can Lucinde lose her wolf?" she whispered to herself. She couldn't understand the reason how the antagonist Lucinde would lose her wolf. Losing one's wolf wasn't normal occurrence. In the story, the author never mentioned anything regarding the loss of Lucinde's wolf. "Is it because of me?"

"I will be leaving now, Lucinde. I'll try my best to ask about the phone," Ezra said, interrupting her thoughts. Lucinde hummed in replied and waited until his footsteps were away from the room. She was not sure how he would react if he found out that she wasn't the antagonist Lucinde. Would he be happy? Sad? Angry?

"He's not that kind of person. I don't think he would hurt me but..." She stopped her line of thoughts upon realizing an important detail from the story. Werewolves who lose their mates tend to slowly lose their sanity. Their wolves couldn't bear the pain and suffering of being separated from their mates. This is a factor that was used in the story to drive the main characters to each other.

Lazy Antagonist  in a Typical Werewolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now