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"This is an outrage!"

In Heaven, God was having a meeting with His Archangels regarding the Immediate Murder Professional

"They have violated Hell's law with Earth, massacred hundreds of living humans & exposed themselves to them, & had 3 of our best Cherubs banished from Heaven." Galim(OC by APieceofHeaven) said "This has to stop."

"I agree, the question is why isn't Lucifer doing anything about it?" Gabriel said

"Looks like we have to take matters into our own hands, don't you think, Father?" Michael said

"Indeed." God said

"I suggest we put an end to their lives once & for all." Azrael said

"No, let's just talk to them, see if we can make a negotiation with them." Zadkiel said

"Well Father, what do you suggest?" Gabriel asked

"...Leo." God said as a Lion cherub appeared in the meeting room

"You called, my Lord?" Leo asked

"Yes, I want information on the Immediate Murder Professionals, I want to know who is the founder & the employees." God said

"Yes Sir." Leo said as he disappeared

A few minutes later, Leo came back with a a file

"My Lord, I've discovered that there are only 4 people working at I.M.P." Leo said "There's Blitzø who is the owner & founder of the company, Moxxie & Millie who are a married couple from the Wrath Ring, & Loona who happens to be Blitzø's adoptive daughter." Leo said

"I see, what's that file you're holding?" God asked

"This file contains every information about Blitzø." Leo said as he gave God the file

"Hmm...uh-huh...oh." God said intriguingly as He read the file "Yes, I know how we can settle this."

"What are you talking about, Father, can you tell us what the file says about Blitzø?" Michael asked

"I'll tell you, but you may find some of this quite disturbing & shocking, but the rest is surprising & interesting." God said

Later that night, Blitzø was asleep on the couch. Just then, a big bright light shone in the room & faded away revealing God & Galim.

"My Lord, I don't think this is a good idea." Galim whispered nervously

"Shhhhh." God shushed as He looked at the sleeping Imp, He noticed his puffy eyes & the tear-stained pillow underneath his head "Poor boy, must've cried himself to sleep."

"What do you think happened to him?" Galim asked

"Hm." God said as He took a step towards Blitzø, placed a hand on the sleeping Imp's head & pulled out a memory

God & Galim looked into the memory which revealed an incident that happened at Ozzie's, they couldn't help but feel pity on Blitzø.

"I'm not usually one to show sympathy towards hellborns, but what they did was a bit too far." Galim said

"Yes, I agree." God said as he put the memory away "Now, shall we get started?"

God raised his hand towards Blitzø as the sleeping Imp shined in a white light, the light faded as it revealed a small 5-year old version of Blitzø. God picked up the small young Imp, took him to the apartment bedroom, & tucked him into bed.

"Mm..." Blitzø moaned as he slowly began to open his eyes

"Oh no, he's waking up." Galim softly panicked

"Hm" God smiled as He opened His mouth & took a breath

(Peace On Earth by Donald Novis)(I don't own this song)


Silent as the snowflake in the night

Holy is the spirit of this night

All the world is calm & peaceful

All the world is bright & joyful

God gently stroke the Imp child's head as His voice soothed him back to sleep

Spirit of love & child of peace

Love unending that shall not cease

Galim picked up Blitzø's favorite horse plushie & gave it to Blitzø as the Imp child sleepily hugged the plushie with a smile.

Galim picked up Blitzø's favorite horse plushie & gave it to Blitzø as the Imp child sleepily hugged the plushie with a smile

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Peace, my children of goodwill

Peace, my children, peace, be still

God & Galim exited the room & closed the door, then they heard buzzing & saw that it was Blitzø's cellphone. Galim picked it up & saw that it was Moxxie trying to call, he looked at his boss who shook His head at him, Galim declined the call & turned off the cellphone. When they got back to Heaven in the meeting room

"Father, is it done?" Gabriel asked

"Yes, it is done." God said

"So, what happens now?" Uriel asked

"I will be watching over the boy for the time being, this meeting is adjourned." God said as the Archangels left

"Sir, are you sure this is a good idea?" Galim said

"It's for the best." God said

"But what about his enemies? Won't he be vulnerable to them now that he's regressed into a 5-year old?" Galim asked

"Probably, but I wouldn't worry about it." God said

"Alright, but if Lucifer finds out about this, he's not gonna be happy." Galim said

"I'm aware. Now" God said as He snapped His fingers & both teleported to a theater room "Shall we enjoy the show?"

The next morning, Blitzø woke up & yawned as he stretched his arms out, then he looked around the room

The next morning, Blitzø woke up & yawned as he stretched his arms out, then he looked around the room

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"Where am I?" Blitzø wondered

Little BlitzøWhere stories live. Discover now