Part 7 Agenda's

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The Justice League are in a meeting to vote for new members of the Justice League

Martian Manhunter: Another Expansion of the League could generate another escalation of hostilities from our enemies, No one needs or wants another Injustice League

Superman: Point taken, But the option remains to vote no on all candidates So I nominate Icon for League Membership

Green Arrow: Why is it because you suspect Icon might be Kryptonian like you did with Shazam?

Shazam: Despite that Icon has my vote as well

Wonder Woman: I do also and even his protege Rocket, Athena knows the League could use more female members of the League

At Mount Justice

Kid Flash: Gobble Gobble I love Yn's cooking

Kid flash keeps eating the food until he is smacked with a spoon by Yn

Kid Flash: Ow hey!

Yn: Stop eating the food Wally!

Zatanna: *Chants a spell* Seasoned for perfection and ready for the oven

M'gann: *Put's the Turkey in the oven* Wally I thought you were eating with your family

Kid Flash: Oh yeah Dad will kill me if I'm late *Shoves food in his mouth* See ya!

Yn: You little Shit!

Zatanna: I never had Yn's cooking before

Yn: Your going to love the food I make along side the turkey

M'gann: We can finish dinner babe you go sit down

Yn: Okay babe

Yn walks over to Conner and Teekl climbs on his shoulder and rubs his face on yours and you pet him and Conner pet's Wolf on his head

Superboy: *Rubs Wolf's head* At least she has a dad   

Superboy hold's his head in pain and both Wolf and Teekle start to get agitated by the frequency while the Omnitrix starts glowing

Lex Luthor: With Superman off world only two things alive with less than four legs can detect frequency that's you Spanner and Superboy, meet me and Washington DC you two East Potomac Park, Only you two no one else and I promise it will be worth the trip

M'gann notices you Conner Wolf and Teekl walking outside of the kitchen

M'gann: Where are you two going?

Yn: Just taking Wolf and Teekl outside no big deal

M'gann: Okay be careful Yn

Yn: Always

At The Watchtower

Shazam: The Atom he can be useful 

Batman: It's the size that makes him useful

Flash: Absolutely, Still we can use more Raw Power and Earth has a third Green Lantern Guy Gardnder

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