Chapter One

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     "Where did I put them?," I mumbled to myself as I looked around my small room for two hair clips. I sighed as I put my hand into my jacket pocket and felt the two in there. "Oh, come on, really?," I asked slightly annoyed as I walked over to the mirror before I put them on, one on either side.

        I smiled since now my ashy blond messy bob is now out of the way. "Maybe I should get bangs? Eh, nah, that's normal," I said before I picked up my black messenger and made sure I had everything real quick before I left my room and saw my moms talking.
"Mornin', Iris," Mana, a tall shadowy monster with golden lights for eyes, said with a golden smile. "Morning, Mana," I said as I gave her a hug. "Meeting your friend?," Mom, a tall, slender human with deep brown eyes, asked as she looked at my bag. "Yup! I should be back in a few hours," I told her. "Alright, but be careful and don't talk to strangers," Mom warned. "Emmie, she's sixteen, she knows this," Mana reminded her. "I know, I know," Mom said with a sigh. "I promise I'll be careful, Mom," I said before I gave her a hug, she hugged me close to her in return.

        I soon left and headed toward the park. I can't wait to see my friend! He's been out of town for a while because of some family stuff, but I didn't ask for the details since it's not really any of my business. 
"Alright, now where is he?," I asked myself as I looked around from where I was standing, trying to find the small mouse monster. I walked around the park, trying to find my friend, Teani. Where would I go if I were him? Maybe near the tear fountain? 

        "Caster at whatever o'clock! Hey, Iris!," My human friend and classmate, Katey. "Hey, Katey. Have you seen Teani?," I asked her. "Hmm.. No, I haven't seen Teani Bean," Katey said, using Teani's nickname that she made up for him. "Oh, you think you can help me find him, or are you busy?," I asked her. "Sure, let's go!," She said before she grabbed my arm and pulled me along into a run. 

Katey is a biracial girl with green eyes, like my eyes, funny enough. She usually has half of her hair up into a bun while letting the rest of her curly black hair down that usually ends just about her shoulders. She always wears a color blocked hoodie with ripped up high waisted jeans. 
She's a kind person, which fits her green soul. She usually tries her best to help others, even though sometimes she doesn't think it through sometimes. She has her heart in the right place though.

"Hmm... Where would the Teani Bean be?," She asked aloud as she looked around. "I'm not-," I was cut off as soon as we heard a scream. "What was that?!," Katey said as she quickly turned around to the source of the scream. "I-I don't know.. H-Hey!," I soon saw Katey run toward where the scream came from. I quickly ran after, worried that she'll get herself hurt from whatever happened. 

I soon caught up to her and I saw many people with short capes with hoods. All of them attack everyone at the park... "Wh-What.. Wh-Why a-are th-they...," I couldn't move, I didn't know what to do. "Hey, hood freaks!," Oh no, Katey. "K-Katey," I managed to get out before I saw blood... Blood bleeding out of her...

I panicked, seeing her fall onto the ground. I quickly got to her and tried my best to get her away from the fighting, shaking like a leaf. If I can get somewhere safer, maybe I can heal her and get help to g-get those crazy people! As I tried to focus on trying to save her and not the screams of the people... 

But then... Everything seems to just disappear... Leaving no one and nothing... The area was completely white with not a soul in sight... Not even Katey... She was just in front of me, what happened? Where did she go... And where am I now...

I felt my eyes tear up as I held my hand to my face, crying in fear of what happened to everyone... Are they dead? Or am I dead and this is a weird hell?

"Damn it, I didn't think the AU would collapse this soon!," I heard a voice yell out in annoyance. I quickly turned my head to them, it was a ghost with red eyes wearing a magenta sweater with the bottom half being yellow...

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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