Chapter 3- Goldstein & Scamander

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"The International Confederation is threatening to send a delegation. They think this is related to Grindelwald's attacks in Europe." Madam President, also known as Seraphina Piquery, stated toward those around the table. I received glares from every side of the table as my father's name made them realize that yes, I was still there and sitting at the table.

"We were there, Mr. Graves and I. There was something, a beast possibly. No human could do what this thing is capable of doing, Madam President." I said to both Madam President and the other heads.

"Whatever it is Ms. Grindelwald, one thing is clear, it must be stopped. It's terrorizing No-Mag's, and when No-Mag's are afraid, they attack. This could mean exposure. It could mean war." Madam President told me as they stared me down. My saving grace from yelling at them all was two people walking into the meeting room.

"I made your position here quite clear, Ms. Goldstein." Madam President told the woman who stared at her. 

"Yes, Madam President. But I-" Ms. Goldstein started before being cut off.

"You're no longer an Auror." Madam President said to her as Goldstein stared at the ground. 

"No, Madam President, but-" Ms. Goldstein said and got cut off once again.

"Goldstein." Madam President started on her, as she and Mr. Graves stared the pair down.

"There's been a minor-" Goldstein tried once more before being cut off.

"This office is currently concerned with very major incidents." Madam President started again.

"In other words, get out of this room Ms. Goldstein," I said as I stood up from where I was sitting. Goldstein was around my height, 5 foot 7in. I stepped closer to Goldstein, little by little until I was standing right in front of her and the other man. I studied the two people in front of me briefly before heading back to Mr. Graves. I heard the doors to the elevator open and close before I sat back down. I didn't care right now, I wanted my magic back. They took from me since I was young I desperately wanted, no needed my magic back. 

I tuned out of everything before I felt Graves tugging on my arm and leading me towards the elevator and down onto the wand registry part of the travel department. I walked behind Graves as he strode over to the desk Ms. Goldstein was at with Abernathy and the other man, who I found out was Mr. Scamander.

"Alright, open it up Mr. Sal-Scamander. Sorry." I said to him as Goldstein laid out his case on the table. She opened it somewhat quickly after a few seconds and we only found pastries. Mr. Scamander watched in shock as he came to realize that whoever this case is, they have his case. Full of animals.

I made eye contact with Graves as he looked sympathetically at Goldstein before he pulled me away from them. "Follow them, do not let them out of your sight. You do that, and I will let you have extra time with your father and you can use your magic. Deal?" He said to me as his finger was in my face.

"Deal" I simply said before I followed Goldstein out of the building and down the street as she rambled to Scamander. She looked behind her shoulder every few minutes before she and I made eye contact by accident and she pulled me towards her and Scamander as they were in a somewhat secluded part of the street and apparated us into an alleyway.

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