The truth

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~The next day~ 

Marvin woke up to the sound of giggling. The magician sat up and groaned in annoyance when the morning light hit his face. Marvin got up out of bed to stretch, then picked up his phone to check out what time it was. The magician sighed softly; he knew today was the day to tell everyone the truth about what he had done; he could feel his anxiety go crazy. He decided to take a nice warm shower to ease it up. He walked over to his dresser and picked out some fresh clothes. He then made his way out of the room and to the bathroom luckily no one was using it he walked in and closed the door behind him. Marvin set his clothes on the bathroom counter and made his way over to the shower he turned it on, turning it to the perfect temperature. He started to get undressed when suddenly he heard a knock on the bathroom door. 

"Marvin, are you in there?" Evelien asked from the other side. 

 "Y-Yea, I was going to take a shower. I-I'll be out in a few minutes." Marvin replied nervously. 

"Oh, okay. I just wanted to let you know breakfast is almost ready." Evelien said softly. 

"O-Okay, thanks. I'll be down to eat when I'm done." Marvin said as he continued to undress himself. He didn't hear a response back from Evelien so he assumed that she left to help finish up breakfast. He sighed softly, throwing his dirty clothes in the laundry. He then got in the shower relaxing when the lukewarm water hit his body. His anxiety was slowly starting to go down, but the thought of telling everyone why he did what he did still remained. The magician was nervous and he wasn't going to lie about that, but he knew telling them was the right thing to do. He sighed softly as he continued to take his shower hoping things won't go terrible hoping his brothers won't hate him forever. 

Marvin walked out of the bathroom feeling his anxiety start to rise again, his mind going crazy with all of these thoughts running through his head. It wasn't helping him when he entered the kitchen everyone was sitting at the dining table talking amongst themselves the mute was the first to notice Marvin and gave him a gentle smile. Marvin gave the mute a nervous smile in return as he walked over to join the others when the magician sat down he looked over at Anti and frowned. The small demon was laughing and enjoying his pancakes. His face was completely covered in maple syrup; the magician couldn't help but smile at how cute the sight was, but he could feel eyes watching him. He looked over and saw that the hero was staring at him with anger in his eyes. The magician frowned as he grabbed some pancakes, placing them on his plate he knew that the hero was mad at him and he didn't blame him he was at himself as well. Evelien noticed the magician and gave him a gentle smile she could tell that Marvin was a bit anxious and she didn't blame him she understood Marvin didn't mean to do this to Anti it was completely out of anger that he couldn't control. The magician continued to munch quietly on his pancakes while everyone was talking all except for Henrik he was drinking his coffee and reading the newspaper ingoring everone around him. He could still feel the heros glare and it was making him a bit uncomfortable he tried to ignore it the best he could, but it didn't seem to be working. When everyone was finished with their breakfast and the kitchen was cleaned up everyone was gathered in the living room for a family meeting Marvin, Anti, and Evelien stood in front of everyone. JJ, Jackie, Henrik, Chase, and Robbie sat on the couch waiting on what they had to say Evelien gave everyone a gentle smile. 

"Now if you guys have noticed Anti looks a bit different. He seems a bit younger than he use to that's because Marvin here had a little accident with one of his postions." Evelien said looking at Marvin than looking back at the others. 

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