~ The snake in the grass~ Sashrcy

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A head canon will be used ~ This will take place like the middle Amphibia , Marcy & Sasha dated but broke up and then became friends again but Sasha blames herself~ TW: Self harm ;-;
Sasha chat: ~ \ Sasha thoughts: ~{
Marcy chat: _ \ Marcy thoughts: _-
Grime chat:^
Anne chat:"
Hop pop: [
Polly: =
Sprig: '

Sasha POV
\ ~{Marcy and I were something at some point before everything..... I mean it's my fault.... I was toxic... I guess I still am?}~/ Sasha looked at the red moon through the hotel/motel/inn window, her/ ^Sasha you need to be ready for the party^ ~ Grime I don't want do this anymore! I a-am sick of it!~ ^Sasha you need to do it so we can rule!^ \ Sasha sighed putting on a suit/tuxedo, they arrived at the planter's house, Marcy opened the door/ _Oh hello Sasha...._ ~ Um hi Marcy...~ \ Sasha looked away walking in hiding her guilt/ " Hello Sasha! Welcome!"/ \ Grime smiled brightly, Sasha did too/ 'I don't trust them...' =Agreed Sprig for once...= [ W-Well let's get seated!] \ They walked over, Marcy & Sasha were sat next to each other/ The night&the party went a few hours \ " I can't wait for all of to go to Newtopia! \ Anne smiled/ ~ Yes I can't wait too... Yay.....~ _ Can you stop lying Sasha..._ \ A look of anger grew in Marcy's eyes, a quick flash of green appeared\ ~ H-Huh what?~ _ You lied to Both of us.... ALL OF US! Your lying like you did BEFORE!_ \Marcy stared angrily at Sasha, Anne&the Planters also Grime looked at each other and left them to fight it out/ ~ I AM NOT LYING!~ \ Sasha had small tears in her eyes/ _OH YEA!? THEN WHY DID YOU DO THE SAME YOU DID WHEN YOU LIED BEHIND MY BACK AND DID A LOT OF OTHER THINGS!_ ~ I u-um I...~ \ Sasha knew the trash she did, the things SHE did/ _ SASHA SAY IT SAY THE TRUTH FOR ONCE!_ \ She got close to Sasha, the pure anger was covering SOMETHING, she had tear streaks down her face/ ~ I A-AM N-NOT lying.... Right...?~ \ She ran off crying/

Marcy POV
\ She stared at the running Sasha/ _ I DID IT AGAIN!_/ Marcy ruffled her hair, she walked then ran towards the fading Sasha/

Sasha POV
\ Sasha held a knife at her shoulder, she knew the stinging pain she would feel, her heart felt worse than that pain/ ~ At least I'll be suffering the things I should suffer~\ Sasha sliced her shoulder opened, she screamed in pain/ ~ Frog FROG!~ \ She held the knife and threw it away, her sight faded away, tears flowed & blood mixed/ ~Oil&water eh....? More like water & blood...~

Marcy POV
\ She opened the door gasping in horror/ _NO!_
\ She ripped off some of her dress and wrapped the cloth around Sasha's wound/ _ Sasha please don't leave me! PLEASE SASHA!_ \ Tears dripped down Marcy's face, she held Sasha close/ _Sasha please...._ ~ Please w-what...?~ \ Marcy looked shocked, Sasha's eyes were mostly closed/ _I'll get something!_ \ Marcy got up to the door, Sasha grabbed Marcy, Sasha pulled her close and hugged her/ ~ Don't leave Marcy...~ _ I will never leave you!_\ They both smiled/

So yesterday on my time Amphibia is gone..... So I was able to get this out luckily.... This was pure Angst.... Also you get the references rightttt??? Well byeee now don't worry you will be fine next one-shot FOR NOW AHHAHAHA

~I couldn't give up never~ Sashanne,Marcanne, Sashannarcy, Sashrcy one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now