Chapter 7: Grounded

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It was Sunday morning when Emily came home, knowing what was going to happen but as she walked through the front door, she was relieved to find that she wasn't met by her parents or siblings or so she thought.

"Finally decided to come home?" Henry asked.

"Why do you care?" Emily questioned as John and Christine came and stood behind her.

"Because I've been worried sick about you." Christine said, drying a plate from breakfast.

"You told me I could go mum." Emily said.

"Well, it'll be the last time for at least the next month. You're grounded young lady, so I'll need your keys, phone, laptop and you have a curfew change." John said as Emily looked at her father.

"Julie is what started this whole mess!" Emily exclaimed.

"I don't care, you will not talk to your mum the way you did and I know you're upset but I will not have you disrespecting me, your mum or your siblings. So, hand me your phone and bring me your keys and your laptop." He said as Emily stood there like a stone.

"Everything was fine until you came home!" Emily said as she went upstairs.

"That's two more weeks young lady!" Christine said as she heard Emily slam her door.

"God, I think I either live in a nut house or an insane asylum sometimes." Christine said to herself as she walked back into the kitchen to finish the breakfast dishes.


Later on that day, Christine was just finishing cleaning the kitchen while John took Henry, Olivia and Molly out for a little while as Emily came downstairs and sat on the barstool in front of her mum.

"Are you done acting like a brat?" Christine asked.

"I wasn't acting like a brat, you always side with dad when his mistake was the reason why you're in this whole predicament." Emily said as Christine sat down.

"Emily, you were acting like a brat and I was doing what was best for your dad and Molly. Sweetheart, I don't like Julie any better than you do but I had to do to keep the peace around us. I know you're mad because Molly is here but I want your dad to be there for her like I'm there for you, Henry and Olivia." Christine said.

"Mum, I know he has to keep Molly but it hurts to see that she's not yours and that you always wanted a baby after me. You and dad tried for years and nothing, then out of the wild blue, Julie knocks on the door and tells you she's pregnant and that her and dad are getting married. That's why I always give her the cold shoulder because she's the one who took dad away from us." Emily said as Christine looked at her youngest daughter.

"Just because Molly isn't mine, doesn't mean I have to love her any less, it's different because it's not the same but I want what's best for you dad and her. Julie is just her self-centered, egotistical self and that will never change and you don't know how many times she gave me the cold shoulder while I was pregnant with all three of you, but sweetheart just because I couldn't have another child, doesn't mean I'll love anyone less that's not apart of me and I already have three ambitious, smart, funny and loving kids who make any mum and dad proud." Christine said.

"Does this not bother you anymore?" Emily questioned.

"Sometimes but I forgave your dad for what he did and I just want what's best for him and for you guys." Christine said.

"So, that's it? Dad's forgiven for the hellacious trauma he put you through?" Emily questioned.

"Honey, people make mistakes and I loved your father for a long time and yes, your father and I talked the other night and he said he was sorry and I can't help that I still love him, I always have and always will." Christine said.

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