🖤🍷"My blood runs warm..."🍷🖤

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Blaring music...
Bright, colorful, flashing lights
and here sits a man alone at the bar... he wears a black leather jacket, worn out, almost faded black pants with black boots, he wore a button up maroon shirt, with black pinstripes, he had rings on his fingers. His hair being messy, almost untamed, a half and half of red and black, it was almost curly, it's long and puffy looking. His eyes.. his eye on his right was faded, scarred, it's useless as it is incapable of sight. Yet his left shows life despite the bags under it, the color a lustrous green, almost like a emerald or jade. He had fangs one of the fangs having a golden gleam to it..

Harry looked a bit grouchy, his chin resting on his fist, his leg bouncing slightly out of impatience. He doesn't know why he even came out in public to begin with, he wasn't planning on seeing friends, picking up a dinner or even having a date and chat. He just came here and was not enjoying himself. The bartender comes by to him and slides foward a beer, he nodded to them as the bartender walks off to help other customers. Harry took a sip of his beer, bland, barely tasting the bitterness, it was revolting to him. He slightly squinted at his drink and heavily sighed as he puts down his beer onto the counter. He feels absolutely depressed despite the fun atmosphere of the place. Sure.. he can make a quick bite on some poor unexpected random, but he just wasn't feeling up too another's blood being spilt. His attention shifted when he heard the barstool next to him screech back then foward as someone took a seat next to him, he side-eyed them.
"F/c hair.. F/c eyes.. " he observed them, looking at their outfit, as soon as the other turn their gaze to his eyes, he looked away and drank more of his beer as if he wasn't staring moments ago. He felt the presence of eyes on him, so he looked back, and the person was still looking at him, curiously and almost entranced by his appearance. After a few moments, Harry cleared his throat, turning his head to the full direction towards them, they looked slightly spooked and frazzled as Harry made eye-contact.

"It is quite rude to be staring at someone ye don't know.. little lad." Harry spoke in a rough, gruff tone, his accent making it rougher on the words and slightly almost harder to understand what he might be saying. His eyes hardened as he watched the person look off to the side.
"I-Im.. sorry, I just- thought you looked pretty... I didn't mean to disturb you none, honest." The other replied in a shy, ashamed tone, Harry's eyes slightly softened. "Hm?" He tilted his head slightly. "I just saw ya sitting all by yourself and well, I wanted to.. conversate with you but, you looked mad. Heheh.. but you also looked pretty with that mean look and uhm.. uhh.." they fumbled on their words, it amused Harry how people find him attractive over the smallest of things. "Is that so? Well.." Harry smiled, teasing the other as they got flustered. "I-Im sorry I'm terrible at talking! L-Lets start over!" Harry turned himself to the person, they held their hand out to him. "I'm Y/n." Harry took your hand and shook it softly with a firm grip. "Harry." He spoke plainly.

"So.. y/n.. what brings ye to the club eh?" Harry rested his arms on the counter.
"Well. I wanted to get out ya know? Breathe a little instead being alone and cooped up all day in my home." They explained. "I tend to be too friendly.. when out and about."
"Nooooo, really?" Harry poked fun at them to see the reaction. Y/n just slightly laughed.
"What about you huh? Why you out partying tonight?" They asked him.
"Well... im not really even partyin', I've just been sitting here, drinkin', ponderin', maybe.. I needed to get a breathe of the air as well." Harry answered, taking a sip from his beer. "It sounds like you had a rough day." Harry shook his head at their comment. "I'm usually always fed up with others. Besides everyday feels.. what did you say? Aye, 'rough'." Harry said, frowning as he looked into his mug, swishing it slowly. "Awe. Your here all by yourself then?" You asked, feeling a twinge of pity.
"Aye, me friends are busy." He answered. "None of them wanted to hang out with ya?" You said, feeling offended for a strange reason. Harry nodded. "It is understandable as they have their own lives to live. Plus I'm available fer market so it's not like I have a doll of me own to take out and spoil." Harry explained.
"Your single?" You asked, almost surprised.
"That's shocking to you?" Harry smiled at you, his hand moved around his face. "Tch- I got a face that looks like this." As he said that, both his hands then grabbed his stomach. "And this kind of a body." He laughed at himself despite hurting his own feelings. "Well... I think you look pretty."
Harry waved his hand dismissively at your compliment. "Aaahhh.. anyone who says that me wants to see if they handle my curve and drive." He said, you felt your face get hot from his implications.

"Pfft- no, not at all, I'd really love to get to know you Harry, you seem fun." You assured him. "Talk? About what, lad?" Harry set his elbow on the counter, raising a brow.
You nodded.

"Hm.. where should I start.." Harry stared up at the ceiling, then looked back to you. "I'm 40. And what I do fer a living is... sorta like office work, I file papers and make descions since I own my company. I help ehhh recruit people if that's understandable. And give them me help, like welfare almost." Harry explained, he was slighty filled with joy as you still gave him eye contact. "Wow.. so, you help the unfortunate basically?" You summarized for him. "Aye, that's correct." Harry confirmed.
"That's really cool! We need a lot more caring souls out there like ya."

"I also have a pet cat, an orange tabby name Tangi." Harry randomly rambles.
"Aw, cute, you look like a cat person." You smiled at him. "Sorry if it sounds judge-y, I didn't expect you to be so..." you trailed off, Harry glared at you. "So.. what?" He raised a brow.
"Soft." You say quietly. Harry was slighty flushed in the cheeks. "I ain't soft, just... carin' is all." Harry defensively said in a soft tone. "Ah. Speaking of care.. do you care to.. walk with me and join me for a bit of fun?" You asked, smirking a little.
"Fun? Like dancing?"
"No.. I'll show ya." You got up and Harry followed suit, being a bit confused and intrigued as he walked behind you, cutting through the dance floor, his anxiety was a bit high until he saw the arcade games, he smiled as his anxiety immediately washed away, knowing it wasn't what he was thinking was gonna happen.
"Video games?" He questioned, finding it a bit silly. "Well why not? I don't really like to dance all that much." You told him, he nods his head. "Understandable. So, what did you have in mind lil lad?" He asked.
You looked around and then motioned to the 2 player shooting game. "How about that Resident Evil arcade shooter?" Harry turned his head to the game. "Aye, that sounds good ta' me." Harry walked over and grabbed the plastic gun, his hand was almost to big to squeeze the trigger. You also came to the other plastic gun and put a couple bucks in the machine and picked up your weaponized controller.
"I don't think this gun was made fer fellas like me." Harry pointed out, slightly laughing. "It looks like a pistol compared to mine over here." You also laughed with him as the game starts up. Shooting the oncoming hordes coming from the outside. It was loud, with the zombies groaning and screeching and loud gun-fire, with an occasional explosion. As the two of you progress through, he strikes up some banter. "What are ye all about lad?"
He asked.
"Uhm.. recently moved here and decided to go out after being holed up at home for awhile." You said, blasting the zombies in the face, exploding their heads, you continued.
"I have [favorite hobbies] and such, I also been looking for a job since i recently got here." You explained. Harry nodded. "Yer new to Nebraska?"
"Yup! It's real nice here."
"I suppose... it's not the greatest but its okay." Harry spoke.
"Nebraska ain't treating you fair Hare'?"
Harry's face was warm for a few seconds.
"..no.. it has not." He answered you. Another loud explosion from the arcade shooters game was heard as they progressed through, facing another horde.
"You like movies Harry?" You asked- it would be quiet for a moment due to Harry being focused on the game, but he answered eventually. "I do- however I do not watch felms' very often." A zombies head exploded from Harry aiming a clean shot on it- with it being the last of the horde, the game loads in a new level.
"Though.. I suppose I like a good horror flick or sweet family felm'." He said, looking to you. "... you wanna go watch a movie?" You asked. "But.. what about the next level?" Harry asked as he looked back to the game. "We can finish it if you want, I just kinda wanna get out of here cus the club is getting BO-OR-RING." You sheepishly laugh as you smiled at him.
"Is there a theater near by?" Harry asked. Setting the plastic gun down. "..heh.. I was just gonna invite you back to my place to put something on." Harry looked a bit stun. "Sorry if that comes off as too much.." you felt very awkward as he stared and didn't reply until he cleared his throat.
"Uhm.. I wouldn't mind it.. it's just movies- and I am feeling a bit worn down from this place already.." he replied. "Then let's go watch some movies. I got Amazon Prime, we can watch whatever we like." You both started to walk together, heading out of the club. "Hm.. how about.. we watch Friday the 13th?" He looked at you.
"Hmm.. what about Slendermen?"
"The fuck is slenderman?" Harry looked at you puzzled as you both walked out.

The night went smooth and nice as the two of you watched a really bad horror movie and bashed on it, when the movie ended
Harry said his good-byes and you both exchange each others numbers, he enjoyed your company extremely, you have to laugh to yourself when Harry got a bit flustered up on the spot when you gave him a peck on the cheek and said good night.

You hope to hear from him again soon...

[1867 words]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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