The first lie

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Bakugou POV
I opened my eyes and wake up to a lound banging noise I look at my surroundings realising im in my room afterI had passed out from the beating the old hag gave me I just noticed the banging was the old hag and I try to remember what happened I look at the things around me I see a knife , a note from my the crybaby, I suddenly remember what happened i was getting the mail then the old hag started beating me and she pulled out a knife then I snatched it and ran to my room and passed out.
I remebered after the flashback that the old hag  was still banging on my door.

I told the old hag  to go away and she said no like normal then I walked to the door and opened it to be met with a chancla ( flip flop) thrown at my head but I ducked then I look down the hallway and saw the old hag walk down stairs  and said "COME EAT REPULSIVE BRAT"  I hurry and run down stairs and grab my tiny portion of food then go back to my room and closed the door and lock it I eat the food then I sit the plate down on my night stand and look at my phone to see the ' bakusquad ' chat


  👽Pink face 👽: do you ugly's wanna go to this party tomorrow 😒

Dunce face⚡: he'll yeah b**ch 😉

   💩shitty hair💩 : sure maybe I'll meet someone manly 💪

  💪tape face💪 : yeah I'll come maybe I'll meet some down bad b**tches 😎

💩shitty hair💩 : what about you bakubro😕
💥~spicy_thot~💥: no I'm not coming 😬

👽pink face👽 : you have to come bakuhoe 😢

Dunce face⚡:  yeah minas right you have bakubro to come just in case someone tries to hurt us remember last time 😔

💩shitty hair💩 :  yeah bakubro c'mon be manly ☹

💪tape face💪 : since I'm the most reasonable one bakugou why don't you wanna come

💥~spicy_thot~💥 : because I have to do something tomorrow goodbye

~spicy_thot~💥  has left the group chat ...


⚡I don't deserve this life⚡حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن