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"You know Stu, I gave you so many hints. I even tried to prove that Tatum would cheat on you or leave you for another guy. She is always flirting with Jaxson." Tatum scoffed at the accusation. "Jaxson is gay you stupid bitch. Stu's more his type than I am. Hello he's into fashion more than I am," she said. Hallie didn't like that and cocked her in the back of the head with her gun. "God she is so annoying." Stu was fucking pissed. His knuckles were turning white from how tight he had his hands balled into fist, his face was turning red. "Fuck this," I mumbled and spun around cold cocking Mickey in the jaw. Stu lunged at Hallie knocking her over. The gun fell out of her hand and slid across the stage.

"Duck!" I yelled at Sidney. She threw her elbow up into Derek's face making him loosen his grip on her and ducked. I threw my knife at him. Fucker didn't have time to process what was happening before it lodged itself in his chest. The knife he had in his hand clattered to the stage floor and Sidney kicked away from him towards me. "Billy!" She screamed just as I bent down to pick the knife up. Mickey jumped on my back. Stu was choking the life out of Hallie while Sidney took care of Derek. It was shocking to see her pushing the knife deeper into his chest but still kind of hot.

I should probably consider seeing a shrink

I threw Mickey off of me, swinging my arm around catching the tip of the knife across his cheek. He charged at me, taking me off my feet and slamming my back into the stag. The air was knocked out of me and I tried to suck in air. I screamed as his knife lodged itself into my shoulder. "Fucker!" I swung my fist into the side of his head, stunning him long enough to flip our position so I was the one over him. I slammed my fist down into his face hearing the crunch of bone as his nose broke and blood gushed out of it.


My head whipped to the side to see Stu with the gun in his hand. Sidney screamed at the noise and when I looked back Derek had a bullet between his eyes. "You picked some shitty partners," I told Mickey as I hit him again. He was able to get in a swing cocking me in the jaw. "Fucker!" I hit him again but then doubled over when his knife sank into my side. "Billy!"

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" I screamed at Mickey hitting him again and again. "Get them the fuck out of here!" I yelled at Stu. He bent to pick Tatum up when Hallie stabbed him in the side of the thigh. "Mother fucker!" He turned and pulled the trigger. Hallie's head snapped back, brains and bits of skull flying from the back of her head. I turned my attention back to Mickey and raised my knife up. "You'll never be me," I whispered and brought the knife down. He screamed as I continued to stab him. "This is for my sister you fucking bastard!" He stabbed her ten times so that's what he would get or until I was satisfied.

I stabbed him over and over again, losing count of how many times my knife sank into in. My arms and face were splattered in blood. My shirt was soaked in it from where he had stabbed me. "Billy, stop! Billy! He's dead!" I was too far gone to listen to the person trying to pull me away. "Billy, man. Stop! Stop!" It's time arms wrapped around me and hauled me off of Mickey. The stag underneath him was one big puddle of blood. "He's dead, man. He's dead," Stu said. I was breathing heavily, rage still courting through my veins. "Billy."

The soft whisper of a voice caught my attention and I looked to my side. Sidney stood there looking at me with wide eyes, fear and concern swimming in those pools of brown. I forced myself to calm down and closed my eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," I whispered. I went to take a step towards her but my knees gave out. "Oh, my god, Billy."


A Week Later


I sat in the hospital bed reading a magazine. It's been a week since I was pulled into Gales news van and stabbed ten fucking times. I later found out that it was Mickey who had stabbed me and killed the others. I was a little shocked when I found out Derek and Hallie were helping him. Billy had been stabbed twice by Mickey and Stu was stabbed in the leg by Hallie before he shot her. Sidney told me in great detail about Billy going completely batshit crazy on Mickey. She said he wouldn't stop stabbing him until Stu pulled him away.

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