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Brooklyn's PoV:

There was a lake of blood surrounding mine and Sage's body. I couldn't believe what I just witnessed. The love of my life, my bestfriend, my soul mate, was just shot and dropped dead infront of my very own eyes. My heart was thumping and my head was racing around. My vision went too blurry to even see. My eyes were filled with a salty substance that could literally form a whole stream. There were sirens in the distance that were slowly fading away. At this point, voices, screams and sirens were all muffled. I was holding Sage in a tight embrace ignoring the blood that was dripping off of him. The refusal to let him go was strong, I wouldn't let anyone touch him. Holding him probably made the blood loss worse, but what was the point. He's already dead. The one I love, gone, dropped dead. It was so.. unexpected, it came out of the blue. Who would ever hold such a grudge strong enough to hurt this gorgeous man? That's what I do not understand. This beautiful creation with such beautiful eyes of emerald green and ocean blue and lips of a beautiful rose pink was lying dead in the ground.
"Mr. Aisles.. please let him go. He needs help from medical experts. I apologise." The paramedic explained. I shook my head, "n-no.. n-no.." I murmured, "Go away!" I was screaming as if I was being held off the edge of a cliff.
Then, I suddenly felt two hands wrap around my left arm, it startled me when they started pulling me away from Sage. "Get off, you bastard!" I shouted at the man. "Get the fuck off me!" My eyes filled with tears even more to the point where I could see nothing but the blur of lights. "Sir. We must take you away from the scene. It's for your own benefit." The man said a little sternly.

I felt cold. As if my heart was dead. I felt alone, like nothing of this ever happened. The man I loved ever so dearly is gone. Whoever did this too him, they're going to fucking regret it. How dare they kill such a gorgeous man! How dare the even hold such a grudge against him. What did he ever do to them that was so bad!? I just don't understand why.. Why they'd do such a horrible thing. Did Sage have secrets he never spoke of. I mean, everyone has secrets they cannot tell for the most obvious of reasons, but why this big? And what even was such a big secret that he kept? Who even was this man? And why is he so important to me? Why must everything good in my life always run away from me. It always finishes with an unhappy ending. Never a good one. I suppose, its never really an end until you finish it yourself. Just the end of a chapter you could say. Fuck it. My book has had too less of chapters to be finished. But this chapter, long enough to fit a whole story. It's been so long. Never would I of expected this chapter to finish. Not like this, atleast. Not this early. 9 years this chapter lasted. All of which, were all to precious to be forgotten.
Sage Williams. I will never forget you. Never forget this name, never will I forget your unique and most admirable features. You have been such a significant character to me and such an idol. I could not explain my love for you. There are not enough words in a dictionary to explain so. And this story, is dedicated to you, my special someone. You just left too early to hear it.

Ti amo, mio ​​prezioso marito. Spero di vederti in un'altra vita. Questo è per te, tesoro. Sempre e per sempre ricorderò te e tutti i nostri momenti memorabili. Non vedo l'ora di raccontare questa storia a molte persone e spero che ti trovino idolatra come ho fatto io con te. Tanto amore, Brooklyn.

A/N: Hello~! I really hope you enjoyed this. Probably not exactly what you would of been expecting for a prologue, but you know. Kind of foreshadowing for the story before continuation. Writing this just made me cry slightly at this scene. This book is supposed to be a sad one, but who knows. You'll just have to wait and see for upcoming news. ;)
Anyways, I'll stop rambling on, and let you carry on. Again, hope you enjoyed <\3.
Lot's of love, Ash <3.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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