Accident | TW: mention of gl@ss and c^ts

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Langa is great at skating, some would even say hes the best. I would agree, but accidents happen to everyone no matter their skill level and that is just whats about to happen to langa. Hes skating as fast as he can, trying to get faster for his next race so he can impress reki, he hopes it works after Langa made what he thinks is a total embarrassment. He still wont get over the fact that he almost fell of his board even though reki doesn't xare that hes not perfect. Eventually after some practice Langa was able to biw go the fastest he ever has so he decided to start heading home so his mother doesn't worry. He thought this would be a good chance to practice his new speed and went as fast as he could then he noticed a cat right infront of him and without thinking he swerved it instead of jumping. His board shuffled as the cat jumped back Langas board tipped slightly and as he stepped around he couldn't get is board flat again and he fell, little did he know the worst was about to happen. *shatter* A glass .hes terrified Langa fell on it. His head was bleeding, alot but he decided to just go home and put a bandage on it even though he was terrified Reki had told he overreacted when he cut his arm so Langa walked home with his jacket stopping his bleeding.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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