School (Neuro)

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I was sitting on a bench in the school hallway as people were passing by I was reading a book about the history of elemental powers and it's good so far. I don't talk a lot because people don't like me, I have the power to read peoples minds and people don't like it. " Hey Neuro," said Tox as she passed by she sat next to me. " What are you reading ?" She ask but I didn't answer, Tox or Toxic has the power of poison and could kill people but she doesn't. "History of elemental powers," I said,  I saw Pale Man trying to steal Tox's snack's " here" said Tox giving him a cookie and left Tox also went with him too. I noticed Griffin Turner looking at me but then he looked away,  I know Griffin Turner has a crush on me but he never tells me.

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