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Work Search: tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10

Actions Work HeaderRating::Category:Fandoms:Relationships:Characters:Additional Tags:Language:EnglishStats:Published:2020-10-27Completed:2021-03-19Words:139543Chapters:63/63Comments:4237Kudos:2088Bookmarks:Hits:65905Once Upon A Time...Summary:

Xiao Zhan is a web novelist, presently in the midst of writing CQL. Wang Yibo is his BFF. Straight BFF.

"Reading this story feels like some really sophisticated kind of torture. "I will tie you up, and drag you on the asphalt. And you will love it"." - A reader in chapter 33.
I think that about sums it up.


(See the end of the work for .)

: Lan Wangji Vs. Wei WuxianChapter Text

His eyes rove over the last three paragraphs that he has been working on for the past hour. One fist clenches while the other hand moves up to the backspace button. At first, his finger is just strumming on it, then tapping, and by the time he finishes, he is practically pounding the key off, almost an entire page of his work now gone.

He pulls off his glasses and rubs the bridge of his nose.

"What happened now?" he hears the voice behind him and knows without looking back that Yibo is still fully immersed in whatever game he is playing on his phone. The occasional commentary is only to acknowledge each other's presence and doesn't really merit an answer.

And so, he doesn't give one.

"What did Lan Wangji do now?" Yibo asks after a beat and this time he does look back, surprised.

He knows that Yibo occasionally remembers bits from whatever web novel he is working on at the time, but to actually remember a character's name... that's new.

"He didn't do anything. It's Wei Wuxian that's the problem." He mutters, turning back around to face his laptop screen. He should probably invest in a bigger screen, but he rarely worked sitting at a desk or really in any one place, moving all around his apartment throughout the day carrying his laptop, sometimes even while sitting on the toilet (if the story has really gotten into this head and he is in a writing frenzy), and thus had sacrificed everything else for mobility.

He is so lost in trying to salvage some semblance on any idea from the past hour that it takes him a minute to realize that Yibo had scoffed. He turns around again, with more attention this time.

"You have some specific thoughts about my story?" he asks, quirking an eyebrow, putting his glasses back on. Yibo is sprawled all over the recliner, a knee hooked over one of its arms and his back slouching against the other. It's his standard pose whenever he comes over. And that has basically become Yibo's recliner too, permanently cast in the basic shape of his lanky body, waiting to remold itself into whatever mood he is in whenever he arrived next. Which is at least every other day.

"Fuck Yibo, you're going to kill your back that way." He says, a familiar rejoinder between the both of them.

Yibo's gaze flicks over in his direction quickly and there is a smirk on that face before he rearranges himself so that his spine is not quite so bent in half.

He is about to turn back to his screen when Yibo says, "I don't have any problem with your story. Just Lan Wangji."

He pauses, tilting his head for a moment, before he looks back at Yibo. Yibo is still focused on his game, his thumbs moving crazily over the screen.

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