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Ash stays silent as you point ur gun at his.

Y/n. Look hes scared

Ash. Am not scared arl.

Y/n.then why u stay quiet 

U say wall puting the gun back in yr pocket.

Y/n. Any ways what yall  want

Fez. Can i get so,so,

Y/n ya let me check if i have any I'll be back just gibe me a minute

Fez. Ya don't trip its cool

.         Afert you leave the room         .

Ash. Shes hot

Fez. Wtf man didn't she point a gun to your head like 3 minutes ago

Ash. Ik but like not gonna lie it takes balls to do some shit like that

Fez. Well if you think that takes balls then you dont know what type of crazy shit y/n's done

Ash. What type of crazy shit gas she done

Fez don't trip ab the stit your lil gf does ok

Ash. She not my gf bro and either way its not like am in her league anyways
                                                                They stop talking after you come back in the room*

Y/n alr am back

Ash. No shit your back

Y/n aww looks like someone miss me

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