Fierin of Mixel Land

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An alternate universe where everyone in the Mixels show are kids who has their own village in which is separated into different parts.

Examples of different parts:
Inferno Town (Magma Wastelands), home to the Hotheads (Infernites),
Rockey Land (Cragster Mines), home to the Rock Boys (Cragsters),
Cyber City (Mountain City), home to the Electroids Science Alliance or ESA (Electroids),
Frosty Village (Frozen Volcanoes), home to the Frost Squad (Frosticons),
Totem Land (Farmlands), home to the Fang Gang (Fang Gang),
Bounce Street (Sproingy Lands), home to the Springers (Flexers),
Slimey Swamp (Swamplands), home to the Slime Timers (Glorp Corp),
Cutie Land (Spiky Desert), home to the Spiky Cuddle Club or SCC (Spikels),
Magical Tent (Magic Tent), home to the Wonderful Wizards (Wiztastics),
Space-topia (Orbitopia), home to the League of Orbitrons (Orbitons),
Party Cave (Glowkies Cave), home to the Party Poppers (Glowkies),
Munchville (Muncho Land), home to the Foodies (Munchos),
Steampunk Parlor (Klinkerton), home to the Steamers (Klinkers),
Builder Boys Inc. (Construction), home to the Builder Boys (Weldos),
Trading Tree, where the leader of the Foodies (Munchos), Archival (Vaka-Waka), works at,
And the Cubit Storage Safe, guarded by the Mixel Police (MCPD).

There's lots of humanizations of Mixels in this universe, so let me just name the leaders and main characters. Also, the names have been changed to fit their personality, quirks, aura, and element altogether.

Flain is Fierin Williams (Who takes the role of Craig Williams),
Zorch is Zeke Williams (Who takes the role of Jessica Williams),
Burnard is Bernard "Berno" Williams (Who takes the role of Bernard Williams),
Flamzer is Fred Pokoly (Who takes the role of Kelsey Pokoly),
Rokit is Rockett (Who takes the role of Paintball Mike),
Torts is T. J. Mercer (Who takes the role of J. P. Mercer),
Nixie is Nelson Newton the Gray Poncho (Who takes the role of Omar the Green Poncho),
Teslo is Tessa (Who takes the role of Wren),
Chomly is Chomers (Who takes the role of Roger),
Snax is Charlie (Who takes the role of Bobby),

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