Chapter #1

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The draught blew through the open window that lay next to her, Nyla was as still as a the ocean on a breeze-free day, as the panelled door swung open, making the walls yell in pain. The heavy breathing owned by her elder sister Adalia, was invading her ears, yet despite that, she remained still. She knew what day it was, she'd been counting down the days since her sister had hers. All the family thought that Nyla was sound asleep, and unaware of the frights to come that very day.

All of a sudden she was being shook awake, well, more awake then she was originally.

"Nyla! Nyla, get up! You need breakfast before your big day!" Adalia groaned, her voice unusual, as she was shaking her sister out of her skin.

"I will!" Nyla promised, meanwhile tugging her covers so that they wouldn't fall off the bed. She threw her quilt into the air and scurried past her sister, and yelled back:
"Are mum and Auntie Ondine going to get the orb ready for my trial?"

"Girl, they've already gone! That's why I've woke you up! 'Mum thought you were awake!"
Her sister screamed.

All Nyla did was sigh at those words, well, she was awake, she just, well, fell asleep again...

~after Nyla got ready~

Only mama Ray was home, well, apart from Nyla's four sisters, whom three were sat at the circular dining table, eating breakfast, the other hurrying down the corridor with Nyla to do so.

"I've made your favourite, fruit salad." Said mama, her face beaming. As her mother knew, her daughter wouldn't miss a good bite of fruit salad despite the anxiety buried deep within her chest.

~around half an hour later~

"God the time!" Said mama Ray in a shocked voice as the knocks on the door echoed throughout the whole room

Ray rushed to the door, opening it with a startled look on her face, even though two years ago the same scenario occurred.

"Hello Ray, I'm here for Nyla." Spoke a calm, caring voice, possessing an accent coming from a place in England, possibly Hull.

Mama Ray winked at her daughter. Nyla got up, her dining chair squeaking on the wooden floor, she ran over to her mother, and stood by her side.

"Hi Sam." Nyla said, with a loving smile, she knew that Samuel Shulk would take good care of her, well, for the amount of time the first chapter of her story would take.

Hi guys, my name is Amberly, you can call me dino, this story is a reality using the origins minecraft mod, set in the world of minecraft, it is also in the same reality as SyldoveLazuli 's, just at different times, so I am not copying c:

Sorry for any mistakes in my writing, but despite them I hope you are exited for chapter 2, goodbye for now!!! 🦋💫💖

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