Part 3 Unofficial dinner date

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Drake looked at his watch for the third time in the past five minutes as he waited outside of his hotel lobby. He was trying his hardest not to be convinced that she wasn't coming but his hope was beginning to wane. Half-past five was the time they had agreed on for her arrival. But now it was ten to six, no, nine minutes to six to be exact. The sound of another approaching vehicle made him look up with fresh hope. The car pulled up and a middle-aged couple got out, causing his hope to evaporate. He felt a heaviness in his heart, and he tried to come up with a way to deal with the idea that she might not want to see him. Aside from La Caleta beach, he didn't know how or where else to find her and if she stayed away from it, in order to avoid him, then this trip would be a waste of time.

He sat down and rested his head in his hands, he wouldn't give up, he couldn't! If he had to go to that beach every day for the rest of his visit he would do it! The sound of another approaching motor made him look up again. It was a little moped with two people riding on it and his heart leapt when he realised it was Ava riding on the back. He stood and waited as she got off and exchanged words with the driver who then drove off. He couldn't help but notice how gorgeous she looked when she turned and headed toward him. Her hair was down and she was wearing a striking red/orange short sleeve dress with a deep v neckline and a bold blue and white pattern down the front. With it, she wore some simple white sandals and colourful beaded jewellery.

He smiled nervously as he took in the sight of her. "Wow! I errr, mean Hey..... You look really great."

"Thank you." Came the reply. She stopped next to him, standing close enough for him to savour her tropical coconut fragrance. He'd come to associate her with the aroma of coconut. Often it was accompanied by a chocolate-like scent, sometimes it would be vanilla or a smokey nutty smell that he couldn't quite place. But he loved it, she always smelled awesome.

"Do you want to lead the way?" She asked.

"Yes, of course." He reached out his hand, and to his relief, she took hold of it, although he could have sworn there was a moment's hesitation. "I'm sorry but it's just the buffet restaurant tonight, there are two à la carte restaurants but you have to pre-book and...."

"Drake!" Ava interrupted him with an imploring expression. "We once sat on a beach eating our food off paper plates."

He stopped and nodded, smiling gratefully as she gave his hand an encouraging squeeze. He felt like he could have easily swept her into his arms and kissed her there and then. One step at a time. It would be a mistake to rush her.

There was plenty to choose from and he picked out some marinated shredded beef, some tater tots, some corn on the cob, and a couple of slices of pizza for good measure. Ava went for some Cajun blackened fish, quinoa, some salad and a bread roll. He could barely keep his eyes off her during their meal and noticed her frequently glancing at him. He loved how earthy she looked. As amazing as she was in ballgowns and sparkling jewels it felt like he was now looking at a different person. Here, in this, her own surroundings, she had an air of carefree simplicity about her that was both captivating and delighting.

"I wanna ask you something." she announced as they were tucking into their meals.


"That last week when I didn't see you.... Did you give any thought to my safety? I mean you were kinda unofficially supposed to be my watchman, right?"

"I didn't neglect my duty Flores, I promise you that. I still watched you from a distance. I followed you into town once, you went to a salon to get your hair done."

"I remember that day," She responded thoughtfully. "I went to have my braids taken out, as I was sitting there I thought I saw you or someone like you from a distance outside.

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