Chapter 2.

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As soon as the clock struck 3:30 stiles had practically sprinted from the school, dragging his best friend and girlfriend - who regrettably agreed - along with him

Stiles was right, the house was abandoned, the garden was grown out and the house looked like it had been vacant for years. 

They walked inside and it was just as old, it was semi furnished with some furniture that was covered in dust and coated in cop webs.

"You wanna split up?" Scott asked

"Uh, absolutely not." Stiles shook his head , disagreeing

"Yeah when has that ever worked?" Alex agreed

Scott nodded, he took the lead and began to walk up the old wooden steps, each once creaked quietly when stepped on. The house hadn't been lived in or worked on in years, but the young boy insisted it was was his home.

The house reminded alex of her old house, the first one she lived in when she moved to beacon hills. She missed that house sometimes - or more the memories that came with it. Before wolves were hunted and her secret was out.

"Maybe Alex got the address wrong" Scott suggested, pulling alex from her trance

"Or he lied" stiles added

"Why would he lie?" Alex questioned

They continued to walked down the narrow
Hallway, each door was cracked and termite bitten , they didn't dare open them, afraid of what they'd see on the inside.

They reached the last door, it looked fresh and new, at least it was cleaner than the rest. Scott pushed it open, the three teenagers stared inside with wide eyes. The room was fully furnished, a bed was against the wall and it was decorated to his assumed liking.

"He didn't lie." Alex mumbled

"Why didn't the cops say anything about this?" Scott asked

"They don't know it's here. They can't come here without a warrant, and there's no owner of record to serve a warrant to. So unless there's some kind of threat or imminent danger, they wouldn't come in" stiles explained.

A small silence filled the air, alex noticed that Scott was focused on something else.

"Scott, what is it?" She asked

"I think I heard something" he murmured, Leaving the room to investigate

Alex followed him, assuming stiles was behind her. Alex stayed close to the wolf, nearly stepping on his heals, halfway down the stairs she realized stiles wasn't behind them. Scott brushed it off , assuming he was investigating further

They both looked around, a large pine table took over the dining room. An old clothe was draped over it , three plates were set in designated places. By now they were covered in layers of dust and cob webs.

They both glanced away for a second, when they looked back the plates had disappeared

"They disappeared for you two right?" Alex asked, afraid she was losing her mind.

Scott nodded quietly, both head shots forward when they heard the loud creaking of old wood. Alex and Scott ran out of the dining room, they were met with the jumping duo, mason and Liam

"What, what are you doing here?" Liam asked, catching him breath

"This is Alex's house. What are you doing here?" Scott asked

"This is where the compass led us." Mason answered

"What compass?" Scott asked

Liam helped out the gold compass, the arrow circled around each letter, unsure where to stop.

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