🦋|Manabu Soutouin|🦋

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🦋|Akemi Ikari|🦋
I'm Akemi Ikari, the quietest girl in my school. But also known as the prettiest girl, anyways even if I'm "popular" around the school I'm still just your normal classmate.

I go to Yubiwa Private Academy, well actually I don't I just have advanced classes in here. I'm 13 years old, but somehow I'm having advanced classes?

Not surprising at all though be honest.

Anyways back to the story, I'm right now sitting on the railing of a planetarium. I was star gazing, the stars were wonderful tonight. I looked around to see if anyone is here.

I'm ready in the mood for something and that's...


I took a deep breath in and started to sing..

"How I wish it were only a dream
Even now I still dream of you
I brush the dust off from old memories
Like returning home to retrieve a forgotten item"

"In the end it was you who taught me that
Some hapinesses can't be reclaimed
My dark, hidden past I dared not speak of
Without you, they would have remained forever dark"

"I know there is no way I could ever hurt
More than I do now"

"Even the sadness from that day, even the pain from that day,
I loved it all, together with you
The bitter scent of lemons remains embedded in my heart
Can't make my way home 'til the rain lets up
Even now you remain my light"

"In the darkness I traced outlines of your back
I remember it's contour so clearly
Every time I encounter something that's all too overwhelming
That's the tears that won't stop overflowing"

"What were you doing, what were you watching
Your face in profile, with a look I'd never seen"

"If you are out thre somewhere now
Lost in the same tears, same loneliness as I
Please won't you just erase me from your memory
This I pray from the bottom of my heart"

"More than I knew
I was in love with you
Since then I can't
Breathe easy"

"It seems so unreal
How you were always by my side back then
But I will never forget
That is the certain truth"

"Even the sadness from that day, even the pain from that day,
I loved it all, together with you
The bitter scent of lemons remains embedded in my heart
Can't make my way home 'til the rain lets up
Like a piece of sliced fruit
Even now you remain my light"

I then finished singing, then started to lean closer to the edge of the railing. To get closer to the stars until I felt my hands let go of the railing...

I was about to fall until I was pulled back. Then the person who saved me wrapped their arms around my waist. 'Who the heck is this person?' I thought to myself.

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