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As I was walking down to my small cottage, I saw a figure in the snow. They mixed in very well with the white snow I would not have noticed if they weren't so close to me. "Shinazagawa-san" he hardly spares a glance and continues to walk away. I'v loved him sence the first time I saw him.

"Welcome children" we all kneel on the ground and meet the master "good morning master" we all say in sync.
"Children you are now hashira, and I would like to acknowledge the four new hashira that we have. Welcome Kyojuro Rengoku, Mitsuri Kanroji, Sabito, and Giyu Tomioka."
I look around at every one else . Taking peeks at every one I see a very tall man who looks to be blind, a overly dressed man who is wearing all kinds of jewelry, A few others catch my interest but none are out there for me.

As my eyes catch a certain alpha with scars all over. I assume he is an alpha I would be surprised if he wasn't, I still should be polite though. As a Hashira we must all take scent blocker's it's just to help hide easier from the demons.

Now that I think of it Sanemi has never been one to actually talk with people. I walk past Sanemi, turning the corner I see my big brown fence. As I open the gate and walk inside I see Sabito with his long salmon hair in a little bun waiting for me. Sabito is an alpha he's been trying to court me for weeks now.

"Hello Sabito!" I say as I start walking up my snow covered path to my door. "Good morning Giyuu I have been wanting to talk to you." Opening my door I invite him inside and take off my boots, he dose as well. "Would you like some tea?" I ask pulling out my white and lavender colored tea set. "No" he states simply. As I don't really mind I start to make some tea for myself, the flavor is strawberry shortcake. One of my favorite flavors that I prefer.

"I came and brought another courting gift for you." Sighing I turn around and put on my best fake smile or what seems he can do best at the moment "Thank you for thinking of me Sabito but I'm just not looking for love at the moment." He stands up from his chair and places the basket on the table. With out a word he stands up, starts walking over, gives Giyuu a kiss on the cheek then proceeds to leave.

The door swings shut behind him, and Giyuu can't help but feel just a tad bit angry. All of that fades away when he hears a certain screech of the tea pot.
He quickly takes the pot of the fire and quickly pours some in his tiny cup.

He takes a glance at the basket on the table. It's really plain just like Giyuu. He quickly decides that the basket is not worth keeping. As he grabs the basket and quickly throws it out side. He remembered that there was something in town that was on his list of things he needed to get.

Putting on his plain black boots. He walks out the very barren front door, closing the door behind him he makes his way back toward the market. He's wrapped up all warm seeing as it's still snowing. It's not a hard snow, just a gentle sprinkle of all the different patterns of snowflakes.

Halfway to the market he's starts smelling an awfully familiar smell. As anyone could guess it the hot head Sanemi. Hot in both ways though Giyuu thinks to himself.

Not really wanting to talk with anyone After the almost forced courtship, he walks passed Sanemi as fast as he can to the market. He's sees in the corner of his eye that Sanemi stoped and gave him a strange look. Sanemi was thinking about saying something but decided against it he will just wait at Giyuu's house until he's back.

Walking into the market Giyuu stops at the pharmacy. "Oh, hello Giyuu. I haven't seen you in a few weeks." Said the nice pharmacist who was working. "Yes I came for my suppressants." There to help prevent heats and patches for our glands. "Of course dear I'll be right back."

She walked back with my things and bid me goodbye. With that I went to buy some meats so I could have extra before the cold winter ended. Paying for my things then getting back on the path to my little home I can't help but wonder if I was a little bit to rude to Sanemi earlier.

I near the front of my small cottage's gate. I open the gate and carefully close it, walking to the front door. I happen to notice foot prints in the snow. Strange they don't look like mine or Sabito's. It might be a demon that snuck in to my home. I'm trying to think fast as I realize that I left my sword inside.

Suddenly realizing that I will have to open the door sooner or later, I wait for about 5 minutes more. Putting my had on the door knob and carefully twisting it open. I come face to face with an empty room. Taking a step inside and quietly shutting the door in hopes I'm alone I see a tall shadow looming over me.

Turning around as fast as I can, I see an angry looking Sanemi..... ok so a demon that may not kill me?...

"Where have you been in been waiting for you." Sanemi says calmly. I should be scared with how calm he is but I can't seem to find the strength as my face and emotions go blank again.

Showing him the things I had to grab from the markets, placing them on the table. "Sorry Sanemi I was not expecting visitors today. What do you need?" I turn back to Sanemi and see him sniffing around in the air. WAIT sniffing the air??

"Sanemi is something wrong?" He stops what he's doing and his face runs red from being cought. "Nothing is wrong, it's just I smell another alpha. I didn't know you were mated." Giyuu had forgotten that Sabito had been there but he quickly starts to deny it as the man he truly wants is right there.

"I'm not mated it's just Sabito I see him nothing more then as a brother, he doesn't really like that. The alpha has been trying to court me for days, he apparently doesn't understand what the word 'No' means"

"Anyway Sanemi what are you here for again?"
"The master has assigned us a mission, it should only take a few days but we should prepare."
With that I saw Sanemi leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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