Sick Spider

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Peter didn't usually get sick, but on the rare occasion, it felt like death. Wade took it upon himself to nurse the spider back to health.

Peter felt like crap. He sniffled, dragging the tissue box on his bed towards him. Blowing harshly, he groaned, feeling like his brain was on fire. Peter tossed the used tissue into the waste bin. He felt antsy; he hadn't been able to patrol for a week. It made his veins feel like fire, like his bones were itching out of his skin. He hated being confined to his apartment building like this, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Feeling a wet cloth placed upon his forehead, he hesitantly opened his eyes, "Wade.."

"No need to thank me Petey pie. Just fulfilling my duty as ' best boyfriend'." Wade grinned down at him, Peter chuckling hoarsely.

Yes, Wade Wilson, the Merc with a Mouth, was his boyfriend. For a couple months now actually. He's still not entirely sure how Wade managed to have him wrapped around his scarred finger, but at the same time, he wasn't complaining. Not one bit.

He took Wade's hand, kissing the gloved palm softly, "Thank you anyway, Wade." He was appreciative that he was willing to stay at his side. When Peter had first told Wade he was sick, he came right over, Panera soup in hand. He couldn't help but chuckle at the memory.

"What's so funny baby boy?" Wade smiled, moving some hair off his face. Wade hated seeing him like this; it made his heart clench in his chest. It was like watching over a sick puppy, all doe eyed and sad. But it would hurt more to not be able to see him, plus, it totally wasn't a fantasy to baby web boy..not at all.

"Just thinking about you," Peter rasped, making a small circle on the Merc's hand as he sat on the edge of the bed.

He faked a surprise gasp, "Oh, moi? Oh, you flatter me Petey." Peter chuckled, turning to cough into his other hand, sniffling lightly. Wade felt his heart clench a little bit more.

[I think he's dying]

{Yeah that's a severe case of deathfluenza}

He rolled his eyes at the boxes, kissing his Petey's free hand, "Are you feeling any better?"

"Yeah actually, I think having you around really boosts the moral," He hummed, leaning into the back of his pillow. He really did to be honest. There's a difference between being alone and sick, and with someone you love. He hated it when Wade had to leave, because it left him alone with his thoughts. Which, usually, weren't the best.

The Merc grinned smuggly, lifting his mask over his nose, "A kiss could probably do wonders then?"

Peter had a hard time resisting that cute lopsided grin of his, but shook his head, "I told you, not until I'm feeling better. I don't wanna get you sick." It felt like literally taking candy from a baby. Instead of the usual pout however, Wade just grinned more.

"Well, actually, I got a genius friend of mine to run a couple of tests, and turns out I can't get sick! Super healing and all that business. Only thing this baby can carry is cancer." He said matter-of-factly. Pulling Peter's hand up, he kissed his knuckles gently. He'd literally been itching to kiss the spider all week, even when he was throwing up that one time.

Peter bit his lip, mulling it over. It was probably true, which made his arguement basically pointless. And seeing the man smiling down at him like that wasn't exactly helping him to resist the Deadpool charm. Taking a deep breath, he sighed jokingly.

"What am I gonna do with you?"

"Hopefully, kiss me," The man joked, getting the sickly man to snort out a laugh, cheeks reddening. Well, more than they already were from being infected.

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