Chapter 2: Going to the forest

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Haru, Haruto, Yui, and Yua are going to a forest for like a couple of days maybe 5 at least, but we don't know exactly. Yui is Haru's lovely girlfriend, she is a very loving person on the inside and outside "Haru go start packing or you'll just have those pair of clothes"

Haruto said, looking at his twin brother

Haru sighs, and he goes to pack. The twin girls are packing as well. Daku is a person who  

Was living in the forest. He thinks there will be Yui for him to have for himself, but he knows there will be a man to take her away from him. And he will not accept

That "you will be mine Yui(he knows her name because she and Daku went to the same middle school)" Daku said, and he started to cackle like a crazy person. Meanwhile with our main

Character, and his brother "are you done packing Haruto?" Haru said, Haruto looks

At his brother, he rolls his eyes "yes Haru I am. I've been done packing for like 45 minutes

Ago!" Haruto exclaimed, Yui and Yua goes to Haru's apartment "babe!"

Yui said, smiling widely. Haru runs to her, and he hugs her tightly. Yua goes to Haruto. Yua is 5'6,

Yui is 5'2, Haruto is 5'9, and Haru is the tallest out of the group he is 6'9. Daku is 5'10 "are you guys ready for our trip to the forest?" Haru asked, looking at everyone. Yui nods.

When everyone got to the forest "well here we are so who is going be sleeping with wh-"

Haru said, but he was cut off by his brother "I would like to sleep by myself please and thank you" Haruto said, raising his hand. Haru is pissed off right now because

His short ass brother Haruto cut him off "are you fucking kidding me right now Haruto?!

I swear to fucking god I will kill you if I had the fucking chance!" Haru yelled, Haruto rolls his eyes

The two girls start to giggle a little "just shut the fuck up Haru! Right now you are being a massive asshole right about now!" Haruto yelled back, Yui and Yua are shocked because

They both never really heard Haruto cuss...After a little bit, Haruto is still really pissed off about

The situation with Haru is holding Yui close...There was a little bit of creepy laughter coming from deep into the woods "what the hell...?" Haru muttered, Yui is a little scared. She knows whose laugh that was "n-no h-he's h-here..!" Yui exclaimed to herself, Haru looks at Yui with a

Concerned look on his face

"What do you mean he's here?!" Haru said quickly,

Yui looks up at Haru, and she gulps, right now Haruto is vaping(non-nicotine), later that night

Everyone is asleep, Haru wants to go get something from the car, but on his way back to the campsite

Daku knocks Haru out with a shovel he had in his hands. "Yui. Will. Be. Mine!" Daku said, in a creepy way...The next morning Haru was tied up to a tree, and he has tape on his mouth

"Good morning Yua, Good morning ba- babe?" Yui said, she was looking for Haru, but no luck he wasn't next to her like all of the times that he has...Haru wakes up "mmm!!!" Haru screamed,

But it was muffled. He starts to look around to see where he was, but his vision was a little

Blurry "ugh my head..." Haru thought, the same man who knocked Haru out walked up to

Him... Haru looks up, and he sees that Daku is covered in blood...this wasn't a human's blood right?  It wasn't. Thank god, but Daku has a head of a bird that he chopped off like maybe 30

Minutes ago, Haru's eyes widened as far as they could go... "h-holy s-shit..i-is t-that a-a b-bird's h-head?!" Haru thought, once again he is now really terrified...Daku does his crazy laugh, and

He rips the tape off of Haru's mouth "ow you son of bitch!" Haru yelled, Daku laughs like

A fucking psychopath, Haru tries to break out of his trap, but he can't "let me go you

Motherfucker!" Yelled Haru, Daku sighed and he rolls his eyes "whatever you say, but I'm not letting you go until I have Yui," Daku said, letting out a little chuckle...Haru's eyes widened

He thinks for a second "what the flying fuck?! How does he know her?!" He thought,

Daku grabs Haru by the hair "ow damn it!" Haru yelled, Daku smirks, Haru sees Daku's

 Brother and his name are Yami...As you can see he is trying to get Haru's twin brother Haruto "do you want me to go get Haruto? Little brother" Yami said, looking at his brother(Yami is 6'6 btw)

Daku looks at his brother, and he shakes his head yes, Yami smirks a little "no you will not get

My twin brother! You son of a bitch!" Haru yelled, Daku rolls his eyes. Daku knocks Haru out away "go get his twin brother I'll take care of this one in front of me" Daku said, pointing to Haru

Meanwhile, with the girls and Haruto, they have been looking everywhere for Haru "Haru where

Are you we have been looking for you. Like probably 4 hours or even more this is not funny anymore" Haruto said, calling out to Haru...But no response from Haru because he is knocked out right now. Daku is keeping watch of Haru just in case he decides to wake up again. Yami sees

Haruto, and he smirks "well that boy over there is mine, and only mine," Yami thought to himself


A/N: welp that was a massive roller coaster ride, but I hope you guys will enjoy reading this part. In the next part, we will see that Haru is still kidnapped by Daku(I know it looks like Deku, but it's different I promise you that it's not Deku). Welp in chapter 5 there is going to be a lot of blood and gore. Because Daku is going to be using a fucking chainsaw to kill Haru with(I'm sorry everyone if you don't like this stop reading and go read something else please). Love you guys, and I'll see you guys in the next part

Remember to stay hydrated, eat something, and have a good morning, afternoon, or night wherever you might be

Getting lost in the forest. Season 1Where stories live. Discover now