Chapter 2 the edge and new people

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We finally got the place called the edge after a few hours of training and i was more then happy to be there. After landing i went exploring but not far from the group either. This was their place so i didnt want to intrude too much.

"Well I'm Ash and you are?"

"I forgot my name..."

"Any nicknames then? If so, we can call you by that until you remember your real name."

"Its mouse, nice to meet ya Ash hope we become good friends."

"Same to you mouse."

"Hello my name is hiccup nice to meet you..." "Its mouse." nice to meet you mouse hope you have a good stay the edge until we can get you home."

"I don't have a home any more.."

"Sorry to hear mouse. Well just explore around for while we'll find you when its dinner time."

"Alright thanks."

Went exploring around the edge getting a feel for the place and nice to talk to people other then the people at the base which i dunno how i lived so long with it but never did complain. I was with dragons a lot of the time.

"Alright, who wants to go get mouse?"

"I will. I just its easy to track her down...."

Back to mouse

This is really fun i didnt know so many dragons could be on one island. I came up to a stream and starting drinking some of the water from it enjoying the coldness. Maybe trusting them wont be an bad idea but some seem..."i dont know at this point"

"They are chaos lets put it that way."

"Yea chaos is what they are. Thanks for that."

"Your welcome, lets go dinner is done and getting cold."


Hopped on Ash's dragon and to the meeting place we went. Once we got there the food was ready and getting cold like ash said it was. I felt bad bout making them wait so i quickly sat down and ash gave me a look like really you just had to and everyone just started laughing. I was sitting there. What did I do? I asked myself in thought. We eat and talked a ton. The stories that are being shared are funny.

"Mouse have any other funny stories?" Hiccup asked in voice loud enough to hear.

"I do but i might start to cry during it"

"It's fine we can wait."

"One day my older brother went out for a walk and ended up that the dragon stable no idea why he was there. He walked through the stable looking at the sleeping dragons and went into on of the stalls to pet one of them i think pa's dragon. He stepped on her tail and which she doesn't normally mind but.... She was tired enough to care who entered the stall and started to attack him with the spikes from her tail and pined him against the wall and she was waked enough to watch garud on him. Took a few hours for any one to realize he wasn't home yet,so to the stables we went and find him pinned against the wall and pa looked at his dragon like what the hell did ya do that for. He said "You gotta be serious i swear if i have ta tell ya two one more time i swear im gonna do it myself to both of ya"....*sighed*. He got brother unpinned from the wall took him home and scolded him for doing such thing and no its happened more then once but we were all laughing at his perdemint" ( sorry if it wasn't funny enough i couldn't think of anything else but its like my dog almost dropping a done near my feet all the time.)

All of a sudden Ash awoke from his nightly nap and looked at me with disbelief of has been told and i wasn't lying either but i can tell from his point of view it could look like that. They were chlucking at what had been told and soon i joined them in it at some point it was time to turn in to bed and then i forgot i didn't know where to sleep. Ash had said that i could with him but didn't want to for many reasons one of them was he acted like big bro to much. I asked Astrid if i could bunk with her and said it was fine until we made a better decision and not gonna lie i agree with her on that.

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