my story

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I just woke up to my alarm clock. I didn't get out of bed until the 10th alarm went off, now I really had to get out. I got up and walked to my wardrobe, what should I wear?, I asked myself. in the end I opted for my black pants with my black and white shirt and a cowboy belt. then I went to do my eyeliner even though I knew I would be called emo at school. it didn't bother me soon as I came down my mother was standing in front of the stairs. did you overslept again, she asked. I nodded and went to the kitchen to make coffee. in the morning I don't eat anything it feels like a lump in my throat as soon as I take a bite. then I packed my things and walked to the bus stop to catch my bus, my mother walked with me because afterwards she had to go to the supermarket, to get her sweet drink of course. then I knew I was going to have a awfull afternoon as soon as I get home. just go upstairs as soon as i get home , I thought. as soon as I got to school my girlfriend was standing at the gates of the school. she gave me a hug when she saw me. I always feel so safe with her. Her name is daisy, she is 16 years old and she has beautiful blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes, she loves skateboarding, the marvel universe and anime, she also likes me. we walked into school when we ran into some assholes. EMO they yelled. I ignored it but then they started making fun of me and my girlfriend.I saw she wasn't feeling well so i pulled her somewhere else. we talked all day long about some anime we watched together and fun things we did together. If only I could tell my mom about having a girlfriend, I'd feel a lot more comfortable. she will soon find out because me and my girlfriend have a performance and we have a love scene that becomes the moment that I have to come out to my mother.

painkillersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora