Coming Out

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6 Months After The Hardest Thing*

While leading the rebellion with Anne against King Andrias in Amphibia Sasha began to notice how clingy she was with Anne.

She brushed it off as simply missing human interaction since she hadn't seen any other human in a month but something still felt different.

After returning home, Sasha began to notice that she kept being clingy with other girls, especially Anne. However, she still was attracted to men so she ignored any chance that she was gay.

Then 5 months later she saw an ad online about taking a LGBT quiz. Sasha decided to take the quiz to prove that she totally wasn't crushing on her best friend.

After taking the short quiz she waited for the the results to load.



"Why is my computer so slow?"

Answer: You Are Bisexual

Sasha sat staring at the screen for a couple of seconds then shut her computer to process. "What? That has to be false- no way I'm not straight."

Then, she thought about all the times she held onto to Anne's hand, stared at he from the corner of her eye, how she wanted to hold her during sleepovers, wanted to grab her face and just-. She was definitely not straight.

She reopened her computer and scrolled further down for more information to see a ratio at the bottom of the page.

66% attracted to female
34% attracted to male

She realized that almost perfectly fit with the amount of people she was clingy with. Then she thought of Anne.

She definitely had a crush on her. What should she do about it? Confess? "Hell no, even if she is attracted to girls there is no way she like me of all people" Tell her parents? "No, they probably wouldn't except it" Come out to Anne? "I do need to get this off my chest plus I am going over for a sleepover tonight" She chose plan C.

She showed up to Anne's house at 8. After knocking on the door, Anne answered and gave her a big hug "Hey girl friend good to see you!" Sasha felt her face burning from gayness "Yea- you too." "You okay? You sound sad." "No. I'm fine" "Great"

Sasha didn't want to start off the night by telling Anne so she decided to wait a couple of hours. They played board games, watched Hunchback of Notre Dame, and had a pillow fight.

Sasha kept staring at Anne while doing the activities. "Hey Sasha you okay, you keep staring." Sasha blinked and tried to hide her blush "O- I'm sorry- I am fine- just spacing out."

"You don't normally space out during sleepovers, something's wrong" Anne paused for a minute "Do you not trust me enough to tell me?"

Sasha quickly tried to change the subject "No, um- hey how about we play another game of Battleship to lighten the mood" "No" "What do you mean No- WAIT A-" Anne tackled Sasha to the ground and held her down

"You're going to tell me what's wrong right now." Sasha began to feel her face burn again and she couldn't hide the blush "OKAY OKAY PLEASE JUST GET OFF ME"

Anne got off Sasha and sat next to her as Sasha looked down at her hands. "Take your time" Anne said. Sasha took a deep breath "Anne you don't have an issue with um- gay people right?"
Anne blinked "No, of course not"  "Is that what this is about?"

Sasha continued "Well, i'm not a lesbian, i'm still attracted to men but I also am very attracted to women, so I guess i'm bi" Anne stared for a minute "cool, thanks for telling me"

Sasha wiped sweat off her forehead 'I don't need to confess my feelings right now, if Anne feels the same she knows i'm attracted to girls now and can confess' she thought.

"Sash, if you don't mind me asking when did you find out"
"I just really realized today, I kept finding myself getting smitten for girls since the rebellion."

"Oh cool" Anne turned to grab a bag of chips.

Then she paused and Sasha noticed.

"You good?"

Anne turned to face her "Sash"


"Um- wasn't I the only girl with you during the rebellion"


They stared at each other, Sasha felt her face heating up.

"Oh fu-"

The End
725 Words

When Sasha came out to AnneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora