chapter two

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IIdetective pretty boy

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detective pretty boy

Parker hands Barry an ice pack from the CCPD's freezer. He takes it gracefully, and places it to his lip while she takes a seat at her father's desk next to him. "Who is that guy, and what is he so proud of? So what, he caught a mugger. What the hell does he want, a gold star from Singh?" She follows Barry's gaze to the newbie detective that had taken down Iris' thief after Barry's failed attempt.

Barry's head lolls back to the corner of his chair. "He's a transfer from Keystone, started a few weeks ago. Eddie Thawne." He explains to the two girls next to him.

Parker and Iris exchange looks. "Ohh, so that's detective pretty boy."

Barry doesn't say anything, but instead shoots sconful glares at Parker, causing her to straighten up. "That's. . .that's just what dad calls him. Said he actually keeps score when it comes to arrests." She scoffs, trying to clarify her resentment.

Iris huffs from next to her, but Parker's eyes are still locked on Barry, not concerned enough with anything else to look away. "He is pretty, though." Iris adds.

Parker frowns, allowing her eyes to tear away from Barry, and move to Iris in order to shoot her a grossed out look. Then, she takes another good look at the tall blonde, much more built man across the precinct. "Meh, not my type." She shrugs.

A smirk threatens Iris' lips, and she crosses her arms so smugly. What is she giving that look for? Then, it hits Parker, and she suddenly understands exactly what she's trying to get at. Her eyes go wide, practically begging her sister not to say anything. Of course she does, because why would she listen to her? "Not your type, yeah? What exactly is your type, Park?" Iris taunts.

Parker can feel Barry's glare burning at the side of her face, and she can tell that any sort of reaction she shows, he'll be able to read it right away. So, instead, decidedly ignoring her sister's heckle, she stands. "We're gonna get going home, Barr. Would you run up and check on the lab for me before you head out?" She places her hand over his shoulder as Iris turns away towards the elevator.

"See you, Park."

"Bye, Barr." She waves, slowly backing out of the precinct to catch up with her sister. In no time, the girls are stepping off the elevator and Iris is swinging her arms back and forth as Parker unlocks the car. "Not your type. You sneaky girl, what are you doing, trying to give him easter eggs or something? Has my big sister finally gained some balls?"

"Iris, leave it alone. Leave me alone. Sorry I didn't think pretty boy was attractive, but that does not mean I was begging for Barry to notice, nor implying I mean he was my type. Which is not true, by the way."

"Oh, please he's totally your type." Parker stares at her, starting the engine and giving her a disapproving head shake, "You know how I know? Because you have one boyfriend in high school. One! And it was Barry's best friend from Anime club."

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