Explosive Excitement Levels: Critical

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If Red had coffee in his mouth right now, he would have spat it out. "what." Edge sighed and Carrot put a had on his mates. "it was unexpected, but we'll figure something out. in the mean time, we were hoping you'd have advice about this sort of thing?" Carrot inquired. Red nodded slowly. "sure i do, but first..." Edge narrowed his sockets dangerously. "RED NO."
"what were ya sayin bout not havin any babybones..?" Red had a shit eating grin on his face. "... I WON'T GIVE YOU THE SATISFACTION." Red didn't seem to care about that though. "aw, m' boss is havin a baby, just like he always wanted~" Edge growled. "I WILL MURDER YOU." Red surrendered almost immediately. "fine, fine, 'm sorry." Then the door slammed open, shaking the entire Underfell house. "DID I HEAR EDGE IS HAVING A BABY?!"
"aw shit, here we go.." Blue's starry sockets were so wide, you could hardly tell they were stars and the little Sans was LITERALLY vibrating with excitement. Edge glowered at Red who started to sweat under his venomous gaze. "WELL? DID I HEAR CORRECTLY?" He bounced on his toes, arms held to his chest as if preparing to explode.


And explode he would as Carrot nodded. "yes blue, edge is having a baby. how long were you outside that door any-"
"WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..." Blue started running and bouncing off the walls in his excitement. "-way... someone had to have given him sugar. that was ridiculously hyper, even for him." Carrot had to speak up over his still screaming brother. "so, you were saying about the advice?" The Papy pair looked at Red, who was watching Blue and wondering how the FUCK most of what he was doing was possible. "right, right. soulings take a lot a magic. naps and extra meals are a must." Edge already looked like he was going to complain. "also it 'pparently helps to talk to it? somethin' 'bout strenthenin' th' bond between th' parent monsters and their child. th' rest is really jus' instinct. ya won' even realize it has kicked in 'til ya go to be wonderin' if she's ok in 'er room alone.." It was obvious he was now talking about himself and Sangria. "welp, you heard the expert. talk, eat, sleep, repeat." Carrot poked a scowling Edge. "I AM NOT TALKING TO IT."


And he was still screaming when Carrot carried him home. Edge was trying to sleep and Blue wasn't making it any easier. So while Edge waited for Carrot to return, he reflected. "I DON'T KNOW WHETHER THAT WAS THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE, OR MY WORST. ON ONE HAND, CARROT AND I ARE FINALLY A MARRIED COUPLE AND HE MAKES ME SO FUCKING HAPPY. ON THE OTHER, YOU CAME INTO EXISTANCE YOU TINY TURD!" He glared at the area where the souling was forming before he realized what he was doing and flopped back on his bed in annoyance. "STARS DANG IT... I SAID I WOULDN'T TALK TO YOU... YET HERE WE ARE." He groaned. "I DON'T LIKE YOU, LET'S CLEAR THAT UP NOW!" He snapped at the souling. And he realized he wasn't swearing either. When had that started? "I REALLY DON'T LIKE YOU..." He grumbled, turning on his side to get comfortable. He typically had trouble sleeping without Carrot, but he must have been much more tired than he realized. Because he was out minutes later. When Carrot got back, Edge's hands were drawn to his chest as if trying to protect the baby. Carrot smiled gently. "he loves you, baby soul. and so do i~" Carrot yawned, climbing in bed with his mate and child.

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