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In the beginning of the universe, there was nothing, not even a single speck of matter but from out of the nothingness Perseus was born, there was no limit to his powers unlike other deity's one day, many trillions of years later, he felt lonely so he decided to create children more specifically, his children closing his eyes he imagined 3 extremely powerful primordials come into existence when he opened his eyes, they were there he named them Chaos, End and Order, after a little thought he decided that he would tell them their domains, first he spoke to Chaos he said " Chaos my son, your domain is creation your main purpose is to create, although you can create new purposes for yourself" nodding with a smile, Chaos flashed away, Then Turing to Order he said " Your domain is Balance you must keep balance among the multiverse" Order then flashed away. Lastly turning to End he said " Your domain is destruction, when the time comes, you will destroy all of Chaos's creations." Unlike the others End stayed behind and said " I will not fail you father" and then flashed out in a blinding flash that showed all kinds of destruction that is yet to happed.

(End of chapter 1)

AN: I know, this is a short chapter, I will make the next chapters longer though

Word Count; 229

Perseus Primordial Of Beginning, End, Chaos and OrderWhere stories live. Discover now