Dolores Headcannons

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Shook/Flapped her hands when she was excited when she was younger. (I do this too and it's hard to explain unless you do it so I'm sorry if you can't picture it) Still does it if she's excited enough.

Antonio calls her Dolly, Camilo calls her Lores.

Wears her hair up to expose her ears because of what Abuela told her after her gift ceremony. Post movie she wears it down more.

Daddy's girl.

Did not blame Bruno for her vision, but still was heartbroken for a month afterwards.

Didn't tell anyone else her vision unlike Isabela who told everyone.

Likes to sit next to her mama when it rains, no thunder, because it provides white noise

Her room is soundproofed and can be made more so.

Fell in love with Mariano after seeing him defend Mira post ceremony (that will be elaborated on in Mariano headcannons)

Was the second person to know when a family member was pregnant, Bruno was the first.

First one to ask Mirabel to make something for her, once she realized she was learning

The noises of her family are usually treated as white noise, something she doesn't pay attention to unless she is already tense or others are looking for them.

Before her gift ceremony it was joked that she would always know everything that you were talking about because they often forget she was in the room and paying attention. She loved gossip.

 That joke just became truer after her ceremony.

Pepa always had better than usual hearing in order to hear anything over her storms, so she thought it was fitting.

Was once asked to tell a woman about someone's...ahem, adult life, when she was thirteen, Pepa found out and that woman did not sit for a week.

Left food out for Bruno

Hopless romantic so yes she payed attention to the novelas.

Her favorite character died two years pre movie and she got so mad she didn't leave the Encanto for a week, and she definitely gave Bruno a hard time about that.

Alternates between not being able to keep a secret and not telling enough. 

Writes songs, silly little things that she never sings except to Mariano.

Can get into places so easily it's not even funny

Like you don't know she's there until she leaves.

Eye contact is important to her.

However she can not maintain eye contact with Mirabel for very long after the disastrous proposal dinner.

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