eighteen - love

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I woke up to the sound of talking outside the door. Jungeun was still fast asleep, head on my chest. I actually couldn't feel most of my arm, she had been lay on it all night, but I didn't mind. "MJ?" I whisper-shouted. I had seen him a couple times around school and after he gave me a secret 'if you hurt my sister you'll never see the light of day again talk' we actually became sort of friendly with eachother.

The door slowly creeped open and he poked his head through, he looked on edge, he kept searching behind him as if he was looking for someone. He smiled briefly before I heard a loud "Yo! Lip! You in there?" Echo from behind him. Panic struck both of our faces as he tried to stop his insane friend from entering Jungeun's room.
To both of our demises, he did. I knew they would know what was going on as soon as they saw us so I covered Jungeun, who was wearing nothing but her bra. Luckily, most of my clothes were still on. "Jinsoul? I thought you were dating her dude!?" MJ's friend said pointing between the two of us "You're a lesbian?" He added, I nodded. My hand was still covering Jungeun's ear. He looked shocked and sort of uncomfortable, most people's reaction. "Like full on lesbian?" He asked, I nodded again. He waited a moment before he laughed and looked back at me "Never been with a guy like this though?" He said pointing to himself. At this point in my life, I'd heard something along those lines hundreds of times. I didn't even get angry anymore, I was just glad Jungeun didn't hear. MJ pushed his friend out of the room and gave me a 'I'm sorry' look.

As soon as they left the girl that was laying on my chest revealed the performance she had given these past few minutes. She immediately woke up from her 'deep sleep' looking absolutley enraged. "You were awake?" I asked, genuinely shocked. She's really good at that, too good...

"I'm going to give that piece of trash a piece of my mind." She angrily stated, throwing the cover off her body and moving to stand up. I grabbed her arm "Not like that you're not, that's for my eyes and my eyes only..." I said, calmy. Gesturing to the lack of clothes on her body. She looked at me "You're seriously this calm after he spoke to you like that." She said. I grabbed her waist and moved her back to her spot. "Listen, if you let every dick like him rattle you... You'll end up rattled every other day." I told her, "I'm confident in my own sexuality, in my love for you. I don't need anyone else to confirm or deny that... That's why I'm so calm." I continued.


My heart sank. Did I hear that right? Her love for me? Love...

"Are you okay? I know it's a lot but-" She said before I cut her off "Your love for me? You love me?" I asked. My brain and my mouth weren't connecting and my heart was going 100 times faster that it should have been. I couldn't think yet I had so many thoughts racing in my head. She held my hand and placed her other on my face.

"I love you, Jungeun." She told me, in the sweetest voice I had ever heard. She loved me! She loved me!

I couldn't help but squeal in excitement. I had a girlfriend and she loved me! I jumped on her, tackling her down further onto the bed and planting the biggest kiss on her soft and beautiful lips.

"I love you so much Jinsoul!" I told her.

I really did. I really loved her...

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