in action

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Its the next day and were all going to school and I'm going to do my plan. My plan is to go to casies locker and talk to her and pretend that I like her and wait for Ricky to come into the locker because he always goes there so they can talk and once he's there I'm going to kiss Casie breaking his heart not liking her and every one els to go aggenst her and back to the way is was before it's perfect. Once we arrived at school I begun my plan I waited for her to be done with her locker and close it then I went up to casie.

Jc- hey Casie

She jumped at the sound of my voice

Casie- oh um hey JC
Jc- can we talk
Casie- please don't hurt me. She said covering her face
Jc- I'm not look I think we should be friends
Casie- right well I'm ganna go
Jc- no look I mean it
Casie- really
Jc- really,friends.

I stook put my hand and she grabbed it and we shook. Then I see Ricky

Casie- glad we can se-

Before I let her finishe I kissed her and after three seconds she pulled back and Ricky looked hurt perfect

Casie- JC what the hell I knew you didn't mean it I'm out of hear

When she turned around she saw Ricky

Casie POV

Casie- glad we can se-

Before I finished what I was saying he kissed me I did not like it. I pulled back

Casie- JC what the hell I knew you didn't mean it I'm out of hear I turned around and saw Ricky he looked hurt shit he must have saw what JC did

Casie- Ricky
Ricky- how could you
Casie- Ricky please its not what it looked like
Jc- don't believe her Ricky she kissed me
Ricky- don't worry I don't
Casie- Ricky please let me explain
Ricky- save it by the end of the week I want you out of here
Casie- what
Jc- I'll help you pack
Casie- the hell you will I can pack my self I'll do it when I get home since its what you guys want

Ricky just shook his head

Casie- and I'm going to take a random guess were done

Again he just shook his head

Casie- OK then

I walked off and the day went by very quickly when school was done I walked to to there house and begin packing. After a little Ricky comes up

Casie- yes
Ricky- came to see how you we're doing
Casie- I'm almost done I'll be out of here before you know it
Ricky- why
Casie- why what
Ricky- will you look at me

I looked up at him

Ricky- I want to know why you kissed him
Casie- I didn't
Ricky- really that's not what I saw
Casie- he kissed me
Ricky- JC wouldn't betray me like that

I looked down knowing he wasn't going to believe me and finished packing. I got up and had my bag I'm my hand

Casie- by
Ricky- by

I walked out of the house and relised I have no wear to go

bullied by them a ricky dillon fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now