Chapter 10

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Meliodas's P.O.V
Meliodas smiled softly as he carried Marco to his room and Elizabeth came in and tended to the wounds which made Meliodas smile softly. He knew that both women became friends fairly quickly and he knew that Marco wouldn't let anything happen to Elizabeth. Meliodas walked over to the closet where he grabbed one of his shirts that was thankfully baggy on Marco so it wouldn't bother her wounds and he grabbed pair of her loose joggers she kept for times like this.

He walked back into the room and set down the clothes for Elizabeth and left as he waited for her to change Marco. He sighed softly as he thought back to the fight when his demon side had heard their mate and went to her checking her over for any wounds; when he heard her talking to him he felt himself pushing his demonic side back into submission. He would do anything for Marco...but he was grateful she had no fear of him; he worried that there may come a time that he would become as he was three thousand years ago. Those were times he didn't want to think about; but he had used that side king enough to defeat not just Escanor but also Marco. Marco was the one he had to fight with a little longer but once he had her in control she had broke down shaking violently from not just fear but from anxiety...he was the first person in who knows how long that hadn't been scared of her or gave up on Marco.

Meliodas looked to the door as it opened and he smiled softly to Elizabeth who quietly closed the door behind her and he spoke softly. "How is she?"

"I've tended to all her wounds and got her changed into the clean clothes; she sleeping right now thankfully." Elizabeth spoke softly as they walked downstairs where the other sins were talking and he watched over them with Elizabeth. "May I ask Sir Meliodas? But how did you learn about Marco?"

"I was coming back from a mission; I actually had a prisoner that I had captured. At the time I was looking for all my group and had just sent Escanor back to Liones with Merlin. I got to the prison when I heard that a woman was captured so I thought to go take a look; when I got closer I felt a pull so of course I followed it. I found her in a cell and was surprised me was the tattoo that was already on her; we had gone to a seer who told myself and Merlin about the creatures was Merlin who cast a spell so that the sins would get their markings. When I saw Marco's I knew then and there she was one of us and of course I got her out. She was someone who used to have anger problems but I started working with her and then after we got split she finished that work."

Elizabeth smiled as she listened to Meliodas speak about Marco. "I wish I could find someone to share that connection that you and Marco have."

Meliodas was surprised and looked to the silver haired girl besides him. "What do you mean?"

Elizabeth giggled before she spoke. "When your not around Marco or she's not close by then you have this look on your face like your lost but your always looking and listening for her. Before we found her it's like you were missing something...someone; you would smile but it never reached your eyes. Before you said that your soul mates and I can see it; we can all see it...earlier she wasn't afraid to go after you when she felt your power; and then when we were all safe she was worried. She didn't worry about herself, she was worried about you and the rest of us."

Meliodas smiled softly as he knew that was true. "She's a blessing in my life; I have a heavy sin on my shoulders just like everyone else and I will do everything in my power to try and repent for my sin and that means including saving all those that I can. I am the Sin of Wrath and she is the Sin of Lies; the two sins that go hand in hand with one another. She probably knows secrets that many of those here aside from Merlin don't know; Marco has been there for me and for everyone else. When we fought the vampires I know she hated it; she knew we had a job to do but where we usually see a tough, rude, foul mouth side...she's also got a very kind, wear her heart on her sleeve side. First time I saw the softer side of her all I could think is that woman was kind at one point till life through her a curve ball and made her gain a hard side that tries to make things look like their alright and try to push people away...I have seen her wait till she was alone or thought she was alone and she would break down crying; I mean a full on break down and many times she did her best to stay quiet but I always knew." Meliodas had moved to sit at the top of the stairs with Elizabeth who was listening.

Elizabeth had been listening closely and she smiled softly. "She doesn't want anyone here to worry; she doesn't want to place all her problems on your shoulders or anyone else's...I can see that Marco is a great person to have in your life she's been nothing but kind with me as well. I would love to be able to help her out as well the best that I can; I mean...I just; in a way I look up to her, Diane and Merlin. They're the only women in the seven deadly sins and they have no fear of going for what they want."

Meliodas chuckled softly as he listened and saw Ban teasing King about something. "They are strong and believe it or not; the women on this team hold us together more then you think. Now go enjoy the celebration."

Elizabeth smiled and nodded her head as she walked downstairs and joined the others that were happily talking as Meliodas got up and walked back to his room where Marco was silently sleeping but had cuddled into the pillows and blankets as Meliodas chuckled softly.

He knew the others could take care of themselves all he wanted to do right now was bathe and then go to bed where his mate was sleeping safe and sound. He grabbed a clean change of clothes and went to the bathroom starting the shower as he stripped and got in relaxing under the hot water and he could hear the talking from downstairs.

It always amazed him even when Marco was asleep and he meant really asleep she could basically sleep through anything. It didn't take Meliodas long to wash up before he got out and heard movement in the bed as he got dried and put on bottoms only he walked out and chuckled seeing Marco had hugged a pillow close to her and she had curled into a ball.

Meliodas walked over since it was a warm night and opened a window to allow the night breeze to blow into the room before he walked over and got into bed; he gently removed the pillow from Marco's arms and saw her eyes open but she was basically still asleep.

"Mel-Mel?" Marco yawned tiredly and Meliodas couldn't help but chuckle.

Meliodas kissed her forehead softly. "Shh go back to sleep kitten; you need it." He gently held her close to him and rubbed Marco's back lightly as he watched her fall asleep again.

Meliodas loved when he got times like this where he could just have time with Marco wether she was awake or asleep. He felt his demonic side settle down as well; he would do everything in his power to break the curses on himself and Elizabeth...but he feared that he may have to let out that side of himself fully which meant no emotions. He sighed as he knew that if he marked Marco then his demon side would protect her as well as Elizabeth; Elizabeth had always been his friend and he had always hoped to have found his mate and he had her now in his life as well.

He felt Marco cuddle into him with her head on his chest and he smiled softly as he fell asleep; he liked the cool night breeze and the talking downstairs reassured him he wasn't alone. His family was coming home for as long as they were needed.

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