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Alone. That's all I am. After roaming that damp, mono yellow, endless corridor and accidentally making my way out I'm stuck here. Endless halls and pipes, no human contact, no safe water, no food, no where to sleep, it's cold, and lonely, that's all I am, alone. Scared. Hoping that my luck might turn up, but at the same time losing all hope in anything. How long have I been in here? to long. All I am is cold, lonely, tired, hungry, thirsty, I want out of here please, anything to get out of here please. I've started hearing things, human voices, footsteps, getting closer, wait, is that real? No, that's getting to high of hopes, it's not real, it's never real. The voices get louder.

"Hey, who's that?"

"I don't know, Ibuki says we should ask!"

"He could be another one of those things though!"

"But he might not be!"

"He looks emaciated"

"He probably is, poor thing"

Are they talking about... me? Are they really human? I turn around, hoping I'm not faced with a smiler or hound, and see people, three of them. A boy and two girls. But who are they? They stopped when I turned around, so I did all I knew to.

"Hi! I promise I'm human!" I yelled to them, I saw them relax a bit, I know the hole in my face is a bit big, but I didn't think it made me look like one of those things. They started walking towards me again, and stopped about 2 feet away from me.

"Hey there! I am Ibuki Mioda!!!!" One of the girls yelled, she has black hair with white streaks and small horns made out of her hair, and pink and blue bangs, she's flashy, she'll die quick.

"And I'm Mikan Tsumiki..." The other girl, dark purple choppy hair, quiet, she might make it.

"And I'm Hajime, Hajime Hinata." The boy, polite, not to flashy, not to low down, quite laid back looking yet clearly uptight. Cute, I'm fond of this one.

"Nagito Komaeda." That's all I could say, that's all I knew to say. I haven't had human contact in the years I've been in here, I don't know how to act. Hajime nodded, holding his hand out to me. Fearing he would hit me, I flinched.

"Hey, calm down, it's okay, I won't hurt you." he said, calmly.

"oh..okay..I'm sorry.." I mumbled taking his hand. As he shook my hand, I felt myself start to shake. Fear? No. Something else, I don't know it, but it's there. It's new, I don't know how to feel about it. And from there, we set off. Wandering the halls, trying every door, looking for a way out. When suddenly Hajime let out a blood curdling scream.

"WHAT IS THAT?!" he screamed, as we all ran over, bet face to face with a window with someone behind it, with a hand stuck through it. Mikan stepped closer to see and before a word could leave her mouth she was grabbed, she screamed at the top of her lungs as it pulled her in. As it pulled her in we heard bones crunching and her sobbing, and once she was fully in, we saw blood. Blood dripping from the window and her hairpin among it, Ibuki picked it up and put it on, tears streaming down her face as she did so. I felt bad for her but you need to learn not to confront things in here. 

And so, with one less person in our group, we continued walking. We eventually had to settle down somewhere for the night. I found somewhere lit up and secluded for us and we settled. It could take months to find an exit, but we need to hold onto our wits. I guess I was wrong about that Mikan girl having a chance. 

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