A New Glimpse

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"bzzzz, bzzzz, bzzzz" Hearing the phone vibrate, Veer stretched his arm to shut the alarm off. He yawned and stretched in his bed as he did the wave with his body like a worm. His friend who lived with him in college always used to compare him to a mountain with how he slept, Veer was a tall well built young man, he was young but because he was tall he often towered over people. Veer slept with his hand out perpendicular to his body, he had hurt his left shoulder once while boxing and ever since he's more comfortable sleeping with his arm out than down as it stretches his shoulder helping the pain. Veer slept and before he got up liked to stretch a little in bed, before getting up and praying. Veer was a religious guy for his age, he did a quick prayer before having his water and getting out of bed. Everyone was already up and about and he could hear the morning clusters as he walked to the bathroom. Brushing his teeth and taking a quick shower, Veer was ready for his day. He walked into his closet and chose a peach polo to pair it with his grey pants, he sprayed his deodorant and body spray before putting on his clothes, Veer had slightly wavy hair, medium length which he quickly combed to the side. Picking up his wallet, keys and phone he went downstairs to find his parents and babhi already there. Veer's mother, Gauri Akash Agrawal was in the kitchen finishing up the breakfast as his babhi Sneha Roshan Agrawal got the table ready. Veer's father Akash Raj Agrawal was already seated at the dining table watching some morning religious videos on his phone. Veer could hear the rings on the temple bell as his Dadi Sarita Raj Agrawal walked with the bell and Pooja tray in her hands, Veer walked over to her touching her feet and taking the Aarti from the tray. "Jeete raho aur jaldi utho, otherwise there will be no difference between you and your older brother." Dadi said sweetly chiding him. Veer walked over to the table greeting his father sitting next to him, his mother came sitting on the other side of his father across him as his Dadi sat on the chair at the head of the table, his Dadi despite her age was still the head of the family, while his father and mother managed everything now, from the business to the house, they still respected and kept Dadi the forefront of the family, nothing without her permission happened but Dadi also knew her son and DIL were competent and trusted them enough with what they did it was a beautiful relationship of mutual respect and admiration. Gauri called Nattu Kaka (their, chef/househelp) "Nattu kaka, can you tell Bawri to call Roshan since she's upstairs." "Yes malkin". Bawri was Nattu Kaka's DIL, she was married to Bagha, Nattu Kaka's nephew who also lived with them and was their driver and did all the odd jobs around the house along with Bawri. Babhi sat next to Gauri while Roshan sat next to her and Dadi, every now and then Veer's parents would chide him for having the seat next to him empty. Veer would joke that two chairs are empty and whether he should get two wives to fill the chairs. Jokes aside, Veer was the young eligible bachelor in the family and also the loved one, he had taken on his responsibilities and was the perfect family member in all senses. He was a great son, great Brother in law, great grandson, he didnt get along with his brother all the time but there was no doubting that he was a great brother, always there for the people he loved and cared about. Everyone desperately wanted to see him married. "Actually, there's something I want to talk to everyone about, I think I have some good news" said Dadi as everyone looked up to her while having their food. 

"My cousin Pushpa called yesterday. She went to a wedding last week in Jodhpur. She mentioned the bride's sister was single. She said the girl was well educated and beautiful and also the same age as Veer, she was going to have the local wedding arranger speak to the family about Veer and send us their details as well. I think we should look into it, what do you guys think" "Cough, cough. Dadi said Veer almost choking on his drink. While the rest of the family was excited, Veer got nervous, what's the urgency, why do we need to see the girl now, we can think about this later." "Your already later" said Dadi, "if we wait any longer your mother will become a Dadi with hair like mine without any grandkids" hearing this dejection flashed on Sneha's face as she looked down. "Thats not what I meant dear, I didnt mean to hurt you, I want this shararati to listen Dadi said quickly looking at me, I mean its already your age to marry and its high time, I want to dance in your wedding before my legs give way." The family nodded in agreement as they all looked at him "Its decided then" Akash said in a loud rumbling voice, "Veer we will see the girls pics and then decide, no one is asking you to marry her immediately, these things take time" "Exactly, continued Veer's mother in her sweet soft tone, first look at her pic and then maybe meet her, your ignorance could have you miss out out on a great life partner. Don't make the mistake many before you have, otherwise you may just end up like us" She said looking at Akash feigning hurt as everyone erupted laughing while Veer's father sat with his eyes wide in shock. Veer's babhi also agreed as she looked at his brother. Dadi sat there as she laughed at her DIL's remark, while others would take their sons side, Veer's family was the opposite, Maa was clearly Dadi's favorite as Sneha babhi was Maa's. In his family they didnt seek to change the DIL instead they all changed to live together happily. Dadi always told Veer to be like water, not stone, while water has the strength to break through stone but its fluidity manages to fit in any vessel and take its shape accordingly, she told Veer to be like water who got along with everyone and not like rigid like stone who noone liked. The family continued having breakfast as they laughed and chided each other. This was his family, as culturally rooted they were in respecting the elders of the family, they were also modern and joked with each other while also taking the everyone's opinion. Veer's fear of marriage  was whether his significant other would be able to blend in with the family and make them their own, he would hate to bring someone who caused a rife in the family instead of binding them together. Veer was nervous but at his family's insistence he would give this girl a chance, and besides he had his family who would help him make a decision as well and the rest, Veer looked towards the temple he left to God. 

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