Chapter 3.

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"I love you Alex. I love"

Alex gasped awake, feeling her breath rip through her throat. Her chest moved up and down as she caught her breath from a dream that had been erased from her memories, seconds after waking up.

Alex sat up in her bed, she exhaled a long breath, rubbing her tired eyes, she glanced down at her phone and seen a voicemail from an unknown number.

Hey it's me, I need you pick up, it's serious.

Alex frowned, she ended the call and dropped her phone on her bed. Ignoring the stranger voice.

"You okay?"

Alex looked up, she nodded at her sister "I'm fine, weird dream"

"Are you having nightmares again?" Allison worried

"No, im fine. I promise" Alex reassured

"Okay" Allison nodded, unsure if she believed her sister.


All morning Alex had the feeling as if she was forgetting something. She had spent all morning going through lists in her head, and all Morning she had checked off every item.

Alex shut her locker, feeling it vibrating through her skull.

"Alex" Lydia approached her "are you okay"

"Yeah, just feel off" she shrugged,

"She's been off all morning" Allison chimed

Ales rolled her eyes "I told you I'm okay. I just didn't sleep last night"

"Come on we've got class" Lydia linked arms with Alex.

"I'll see you later" Alex waved.

Allison nodded and walked away. Alex followed Lydia as walked to class, her mind being else where.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Lydia asked

Alex nodded "just like I told ally. I'm fine"

Lydia didn't say any more, sensing that the questioning was getting on Alex's nerves.. which it was.

They walked into class and Alex found her seat at the back.

The bell rang, Alex winced at the sound. Ms Fleming walked in with the same unimpressed look on her face, Alex swore her face knew no other expression.

"I'm impressed. With most of you. It really speaks to your study habits and your commitment to your own education." She said, handing back the previous tests, she stood at Malias table; handing her a test she spoke .

"Everyone else, see me for extra help."

Alex heard a small growl come from the girl, her claws grinding against the wooden table

"Malia!" Alex whisper yelled, "Malia breath and control yourself

"Ms. Fleming, um..." lydia distracted the teacher

"I already told you, Lydia, I don't give extra credit for alternate equations based on your own theoretical findings." Ms Fleming said before walking away

"Well, okay then." Lydia turned around

"Malia. Claws. Claws, Malia." Lydia urged

Malias claws retracted, she gave an apologetic look to both the girls.

Alex had no idea how many minutes had passed, but she was still in a haze from this morning. She had no idea what was happening. She might have just been having an off day. She exhaled a breath and briefly closed her eyes.

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