11 The Clone

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The city was dark when Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, and Bestie landed. Asides from the wandering people and the nighttime businesses, everything seems quiet.

Blossom quickly asks Bestie if she could sense Bliss's presence nearby. Bestie was looking very unwell as they walk through the city. Blossom hopes that when they find Bliss, she could fix her up.

'I am not sure,' Bestie says weakly. 'Suddenly, I can feel two very negative yet similar energies and they hurt a lot.'

'What do you mean Bestie,' Buttercup frowns at Bestie, 'didn't you just say that the Bliss is the only one radiating such negative energy?'

'Indeed, it feels like it.' Bestie replies to her. 'But earlier I felt a new source of negative energy in the city as if it has just appeared.'

'Sounds scary.' Bubbles said to her. 'But it shouldn't be a problem for us. Where is the nearest energy signal coming from?'

Bestie points in the direction of a faraway alleyway and told them that's where the energy was coming from.

All of them rush towards that area hoping to find Bliss there but what they found there was very surprising.

In the alleyway, they see a girl with skin so dark that she was almost camouflaged in the darkness. The only way to identify her presence was her gleaming red hair and her eyes and a dress that shows off a darker shade of purple.

'Are any of you the one called Bliss?' The girl asks. What was even more surprising was that her voice was almost the same as Bliss except it was quite hollow and deadly.

'We are looking for her as well.' Bubbles answers back. 'You know, you look and sound almost like Bliss except for the colour of your body.'

The dark girl in front of them smiles in amusement before replying. 'Then I guess I should be her clone since I am somewhat similar to her. I wonder if she made me.'

'What do you mean by that?' Bestie steps forward but she is having trouble keeping up a strong posture.

'Just a guess.' Clone replies. 'Bliss is the only name I can remember along with my powers. There is another name I recall and he is guiding me to find Bliss.'

'Who is he,' Blossom demands from her, 'and what do you want with Bliss?'
'Well, I want to destroy her and absorb her powers.' Clone replies with a smile. 'Then I shall bring him back to full strength and we shall destroy your world.'

'Sorry to break it to you but we aren't going to let that happen.' Buttercup blurts out to her. 'You're going down Clone!'

'Too bad, I have no interest in the likes of you.' Clone smirks at them in annoyance. 'But don't worry, I have a friend here for you to play with.'

Clone's body suddenly gleams in dark energy. The girls could faintly see a trace of energy flow through the corridor. A res-light flashes from behind and the ground explodes as a shadowy figure emerges.

'Silico!' Blossom gasps as she sees the figure in front of them. The figure was much bulkier and bigger than how she remembered but his face was still the same. Nothing but rage and revenge were written on his face and his eyes were full of menace and hysteria.

'Yes, I see you remember this being called Silico.' Clone laughs at them. 'So easy for me to remake and control especially when he has such a huge grudge against you. He would so love to kill you so I gave him some upgrades for him to fulfil his purpose. Now, DESTROY THEM!'

Silico immediately rushes in to smash at all of them but they manage to fly away from the impact.

'Enjoy your last few moments before he destroys you.' Clone laughs as she watches Silico firing missiles at them. 'Now if you excuse me, I should be searching for Bliss. Goodbye, forever weaklings.'

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