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A beauty that is more than skin-deep 

Continuing the story from chapter 2 ...........

Artemis wasn't sure how she ended up in her position, she was laying on the floor of the hallway while her mother went to wipe the blood off her hands, Artemis mustered up the courage to walk back to her room, and she cleaned off her nose, neck, and back, she wasn't able to heal her left hand, it was shaking so bad that the spell showed no effect, Rabastan was coming to pick her up in 15 minutes, she sighed and wore her clothes 

Artemis wasn't sure how she ended up in her position, she was laying on the floor of the hallway while her mother went to wipe the blood off her hands, Artemis mustered up the courage to walk back to her room, and she cleaned off her nose, neck, a...

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Rabastan entered the Grimmauld place and was not very happy to be greeted by Walburga, though he never let it show, he gave a fake smile

"good evening Mrs. Black, I was here to pick Artemis, it is if you don't mind"

Walburga gave him a sly smile " of course I don't mind, uhh that stupid girl is always late, takes a whole day to get out of bed" Rabastan had seen Artemis walking the grounds of Hogwarts quite early a few times, usually at the Quidditch pitch, 

"I am not a morning person, I understand where she's coming from" Rabastan had a blank face which was tough for Walburga to read 

"I'm sure you'll put her in her place"  Rabastan frowned internally at the comment, but she knew better than to say anything to the head of the black family, that's when he saw Artemis a smile almost played on his lips but he controlled himself, he walked in her direction, she gave him a smile which made him notice how nice her smile his, and reciprocated the action, Walburga looked her daughter upside down and groaned.

"what are you wearing Artemis, wear something proper, you are not a child anymore"

" since when did fitted crop tops become a thing for children to wear" Rabastan laughed a little but covered it with a cough 

" you look just perfect for the location Artemis, shall we?" he held his arm out for her expectantly and she took it, he was also wearing a shirt with jeans a lot different from yesterday's suit, he looked nice and different from how he looked in school, perhaps it was the way she saw in now was different than before.

" So where to Black," he asked facing his betrothed, "my friend told me about this muggle place, it's a book cafe" Rabastan was a little taken back 

" muggle? and books? as in muggle books?" Artemis chuckled a bit " yeah something tells me you'll love it"

"Okay then lead the way" they entered the french book cafe and lead themselves to the corner table, Rabastan was out of his comfort zone but everything felt so right at the same time, Salazar had talked for the first time to this girl just 24 hours ago. the waiter came to take the order Rabastan was unfamiliar with the food so he put his faith in the younger girl in front of him, she ordered 2 caramel lattes and dark chocolate and red velvet pastries.

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