P1H: The Beginning Of A New World (SPOILERS/INFO GATHERED)

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Korean Title:  피원에이치: 새로운 세계의 시작

MyDramalist.com Synopsis of the movie- The story revolves around six boys from the stars Alkaid and Alcor, arriving on Earth to save the planet from the spread of a strange virus. The fictional virus is known to instill wrath and violence in human beings, which the boys will seek to prevent.

Here is what I gathered: 

*Who is truly behind ALCOR ???

*Sometimes titled "P1H: A New World Begins"*

We see Theo, Soul, & Jongseob set in the future (Gwanghawanun, Seoul // A/N: pls correct if wrong) 

We see Intak in the present. (Is a student & dancer, Seoul 2020)

We see Keeho & Jiung are in the past (first wake up together with no memory, couldn't even remember their names, what time ???) -- Were being monitored & then shot at

Keeho & Jiung break into a bathhouse locker room pull a duffel out of a locker (Locker #17) owed by Jiung'  "Uncle" , finding out their names & why they were together// Were headed to New Zealand together ?

The P1H boys are considered the "Chosen"

Soul (Blue eye ?) = Alcor Virus Infection ? Immune ? How did he end up in what is to be distant future modern Seoul of a different name ? Is Japan dealing with the Alcor Virus as well ?

Jongseob makes jokes about "cooking" the drones



- Attacks the Amygdala which controls one's emotions


-Has fatal effect on the hippocampus, which stores memories ,& even affects the cerebellum which controls voluntary movements.

-Alcor Virus mutates these functions of the brain, leaving behind only anger & murderous impulses. 

-Vectors of the Alcor Virus are the drones

-These flying objects spread throughout the word 



-Drones travel as a group

-Virus is interjects in the form of a pin, or a gross mutated worm ?


FUTURE SEOUL// Theo, Soul, Jongseob

Is the future low on food supply ? Noona & Jongseob can be seen trying to scavenge up some food in basically abandoned stores ? Apocalypse brought on by ALCOR virus/drones ?

*Mr. Han & Noona are support characters who reside in the future with Jongseob, Theo, as well as Soul*

Jongseob was exceptionally close with Noona since she acted exactly as her name suggested, She was a Noona he relied on & respected... DEVASTATED by her death

Noona is said to be a great shot with her gun

Mr. Han is the one who unfortunately shoots/kills Noona because she gets infected with the virus. Kills her given now he has the brunt of the responsibility to take complete care of Jongseob & now Soul (Not excluding Theo, of course). The children in their small drone hunting group.

*The most eastern star on the Big Dipper is called ALKAID

Alkaid meteor is a sign ?

*A long time ago...People sailed by looking at the Big Dipper as a guide to navigate

Mr. Han wants a sign from Alkaid star, believes in the chosen ones


PAST// Jiung & Keeho

*Keeho though they were secret agents, A watch is claimed by Keeho from the duffel

*Jiung claims a ring from the duffel, JW engraved inside inner part of the ring.

Mysterious man punches Keeho into a bathroom stall (Teleportation ?) , Is this man from Alcor ?

Jiung destroys urinal in the bathroom

 {  Keeho & Jiung messed with potential captors/killers looking for them

-Messed with car by levitating it off the ground, locking doors, teleporting in/out of the car, knocking the people out of the car sideways for answers as they threatened to crush them with the car  }

Who is Sajoseong ?

Masked ghost ?

J & K got back to 2012, landed in a noodle shop

Masked person leads them to Alcor factory ?

Alcor developed its virus testing on people ??? Is there an antidote ?

Is it Alcor' mission to kill the "Chosen" ones ?

Alcor wants to kill the "chosen ones" because of their abilities ?

Alcor wants to start the "rotten world" anew ??? Is this why it was created ???



Chaeyun lives with her father & has a weird attachment to a doll... Bullied ??? 

{ Is the bear doll alive ? Talks ? Or is it Chaeyun' imagination that brings the doll to life ? }

Was Alcor recruiting ???

- Intak lives with his grandmother, Was in the car when he was 5 that killed his parents in a car crash

- Intak' dance teacher gets infected when drones descend on the mall ; Tries to kill Intak, but his power won't allow that  ?

*Chaos descends as everyone is infected at the mall

Chaeyun' father doesn't understand why her mother won't make an effort 

- Man "preaching" about letting  Sajoseong into your life 

*Intak dance teacher "kills" him by breaking his neck & flipping him over a railing 

A man saves Chaeyun ? Mr. Han ??? Is Mr. Han good ??? Tracking Intak...

*Intak saves little girl from death = Noona ?!*

Chaeyun' doll is called Haja.

Does the doll have flower power ? Growing flowers ?

- *Sajoseong is a star, not a person. It is called  ALCOR in Arabian. The one who spread the Alcor virus uses the nickname... Sajoseong.

- Legend that whoever looked at Sajoseong would die (Devil' Star)


"When the star appears tonight, we must send the signal. We must bring together our past & future selves." - Mr. Han (Present Mr. Han ???)

Keeho & Jiung get to the present utilizing Keeho' ability.

The, Mr. Han, Soul, & Jongseob  get to the present utilizing the ALKAID star

"SIREN" MV teaser begins at the end

- They statue is destroyed in the "SIREN" teaser 

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