Chapter Two: Shadow City

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"Wait!" Ichiro called out, drifting forward to catch up with Hideo's brisk pace. "How do you know where to go? Have you met my wife before?"

Hideo abruptly stopped, and the momentum of his swaying arm resulted in his square-shaped bag passing through Ichiro's right thigh. Ichiro stared down in surprise as it occurred to him that his companion possessed an earthly body. He swallowed, unsure what to make of such a revelation. If that's the case, how can he see me?

"No, I haven't," Hideo replied, drawing Ichiro's attention upwards. "But, I can sense her. She's the only kitsune around for miles."

"Really?" Ichiro remarked as they both resumed walking. "That's some ability you have. How did you acquire it?"

Hideo chuckled without slowing down. "Would you really like to know?"

"I do."

"I've been practicing for fifty years. At first, my senses were dull, but now they're sharp enough that I can recognize the presences of several yōkai."

"Oh." Ichiro found himself interested again. "How do you distinguish between them?"

"The same way you might tell different foods or colors apart. Each type has its distinct characteristics and a certain aura that they give off. For example, your wife currently emanates warmth like a campfire."

Ichiro smiled at the description. It was comforting to know that Kumiko was still a being of heat and vitality after almost four centuries. He hoped that she would display such qualities when they reunited.

"But, there's something strange," Hideo continued in a hushed voice. "She's being accompanied by a tanuki and some other creature I cannot place. I'm not sure why the three of them are together."

"Do you know what they're doing?" Ichiro asked as his worry grew once more.

"I'm sorry, but I have no idea. That's where my perception ends."

Ichiro quickened his pace as much as a ghost could. "Well, maybe we should make haste. Kumiko is strong, but she isn't immune to danger."

"Whatever you say," Hideo obliged with a sigh. "We'll take a shortcut, but I can't guarantee it will help us much."

Silently, the older man ushered for Ichiro to follow him into a nearby alleyway. Ichiro hesitated for a few seconds, then decided to take another risk for Kumiko. After all, he would have difficulty forgiving himself if she were to be hurt by his inaction.

To his relief, Hideo made no attempt to harm him, and they slipped through the darkness while using the occasional light as guidance.


Ichiro's excitement and anxiety were hard to contain when they entered the tall white building and scaled two sets of stairs to reach a door with a mysterious symbol emblazoned upon it. "What does that mean?" He asked uneasily as Hideo moved forward to knock twice and then retreat.

"You mean the number on the door?"

"Is that what it-"

The door swung open, blasting Ichiro with light that made him blink in discomfort before his sight cleared and his heart sank. It wasn't Kumiko at the door but a wizened old man he didn't recognize. Immediately, Ichiro's mind filled with dread about his wife's fidelity. This fellow can't be your new lover, can he? I'm far better!

"Oh, Ichiro, you're back. I see you've changed your hair-"

"Silence, old man!" Ichiro snapped. "Where is Kumiko? I must speak with her..."

The old man inched backward in apparent fear. "I don't know what's going on, but you're not alone, are you?"

Ichiro suddenly felt guilty for losing his temper. He glanced at Hideo, who shook his head in disapproval. With a forced smile, Ichiro sought to fix his blunder by adopting a more polite tone and drawing attention to his companion. "That is correct. This morning, I was lost with no idea of where to go, but the most unlikely person came to guide me in the right direction. Meet Mr. Tanimura..."

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