Info of these betches

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Before the story heres the info of the three of us💅💅💅


Age: 15


Likes: Anime,Food,Games, Hugs, The Dark, Movies,popcorn,dogs,pandas, And hanging out with her bsf

Dislikes: Annoying people, vegetables,Pick me's, Bullies, teasing, and someone saying uwu voices and shit(idk why she said that xD) ghost and horror movies

Country: Philippines

More about her:

Well she is the smart one out the three of her friends gets teased by Chiaki alot sometimes, quiet on the outside, slight chaotic at the inside, she is most likely to to some reviwers and notes with Haruki And Chiaki after school,  and sometimes outgoing person base on her mood. Also scared of spiders xD but also scared being left out and loosing her parents :(

(Also being hit by the magic tsinelas or any asian weapon by her asian parents😭😭😭)
And also scared  of ghost and heights



Height: 5'5 or 5'6

Likes: Anime,Drawing, always doing the t pose infront of her friends, cats, food and her bsf wearing her hoodie even tho in a hot weather

Dislikes: being disturbed, her deawings will be messed up, getting tickled, getting blamed on, being left out,

Country: Philippines

More info about her:

Well she is the most chaotic person that Haruki and Amari met since they met she is also verry outgoing sometimes, loves to play on playgrounds,also not a sporty person, very sesitive comes to hurtfull words also she likes draw everytime with Haruki, she even trade drawings with her also, and always likes to tease Amari sometimes. Sometimes Chiaki and Haruki have some arguements but they forgive eachother



Height: 5'7-5'8

Likes: Anime, Manga, Yaoi-ehem, Games, Cofee, Spicy food, Wearing my hoodie, dogs,cats, reading wattpad and also writing fanfics,food playing volleyball, and her hanging out with her bsf, drawing

Dislikes: Bullies, The boys in her school, croudy places, homework, bullies, spiders, being compared,being left out, too much attention, and being shouted at loosing her love ones,


More info about mah selp:

Well  here it is well she is  very quiete in classes when it comes to her friends, she is chaotic, she loves pets, and a biggest simp to  fictional men and women, sometimes and introvert or extrovert it depends on her mood also, she doesnt have a mood to smile sometimes cuz school has been hell to her especially the boys at school when they call her some names she did not like,
Always listen to music during freetime while drawing, loves eating spicy foods (especially spicy noodles) also sometimes argues with Chiaki but they forgive eachother that fast tho and also has astma whenever she tires her self too much

Welp thats all bye~~~
(And sorry the drawings are like that i was in a rush)

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