Clyde's Letter

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Dear my love
           Hi my love sorry if dito ko nalang masasabi sayo to but you know it na diba that i love you so much but love sorry if i didn't say to you that i have a cancer i wanted to try but i just can't i dont want you to be hurt i know that you'll be crying alll night long if you know that i have a cancer but love i don't regret anything i was happy because i met you, alam mo sa totoo lang i don't like you at first kase i tought that you are same to the other girls but when i saw them bullying you i realize that you are different so i start liking that day. I don't know how to thank you for everything that you have done to me you make me laugh you make me go angry sometimes because of your stupid pranks but i enjoyed everything i know i become a mysterious man and i'm so thankful that you understand me always, i know love that this day was my last day that's why i wrote this letter for i hope this letter can help you feel better, whenever you miss me just read this letter and love i only have a one request hihi NO! two request the first is please continue to communicate with my family they liked you so much even tho you already have your own family please dont forget them and continue to communicate with them i know that in the future you will already have your own family and please be happy with the man that will be your husband and my second request is be happy even tho i'm no longer with you i'd be more sad if your sad that's why be happy my love, i love you always i know you won't forget me that was my last request, i love you so much love please don't forget me panget.

I love you more than the stars, stones, sands and sky<3                                    

                                           Truly your's Clyde

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