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Shinra held the phone away from his ear and frowned as he strained to listen. {Izaya, is that you?} It sounded like his friend, though he couldn't be sure since he could barely hear the voice.

"I screwed up...Shinra, you were right..." Yeah, Izaya didn't mind admitting it, and he was a little scared if he was honest with himself because if someone found him now, or if Gok decided to come back......there would be nothing he could do to protect himself.

I knew it. Shinra sighed. {What happened?}

Shinra's tone caused Celty to turn her attention to him, and she typed a message and held it in front of him. [What's wrong?]

Shinra glanced at the message and ignored it for the moment, favoring his conversation with his friend, which he rarely did. {Izaya, where are you?} He started to worry when Izaya didn't reply.

Celty was annoyed; she didn't like getting ignored. The black smoke from her neck puffed out with a quick burst before she typed again. [What's going on?]

"I think..." Izaya trailed off and tried to get a glimpse of his surroundings, but every time he moved, the blade shifted, and he struggled to hold in the gasps of pain. Izaya remembered he was in Ikebukuro, and although he hadn't paid attention to the alleyway, he knew this city like the back of his hand. Shinra just needed the road. Izaya's eyesight blurred; he would pass out soon. "Otome road... I'm near Otome Road, down an alleyway."

{Are you hurt bad, or can you make your way here?}

Izaya slumped against the wall, barely able to keep his balance, but he smiled. "I went too far this time..."

Shinra knew Izaya was too injured to make the trip himself because he'd never admit his mistakes so openly. {Stay where you are, I'm coming to you!} Shinra hung up and gazed toward an impatient-looking Celty, instantly feeling guilty.

[What is it!]

"You were right, Celty. Gok was dangerous. Izaya was on the phone, and he's hurt somewhere. Can you take me to him?" Celty tensed; it wasn't like Shinra to worry about Izaya, even if they were friends.

Celty formed a helmet and threw it at Shinra, who caught it, and they both ran out of the apartment.

Shinra squeezed his eyes shut and clung to her waist before letting out a scream, drowned out by the wind and traffic noises whipping past them.

Izaya slipped down the wall, unable to stand. He coughed, and a trickle of blood left the corner of his mouth. "Don't fuck with me," he repeated Gok's words. "Is that right? Well, Gok, you're going to wish you had never messed with me either, asshole." A slight smirk appeared on his face despite the pain, and a plot of revenge was already forming in his mind.

The last thing he saw was Shinra's frowning features before he passed out.


Izaya awoke to a faint bleeping beside him, eyes darting around as his sight slowly became clear. Izaya discerned he was the only one in the room; therefore, he at least had privacy. He winced when he sat up and checked himself. There was a tight bandage wrapped around his small frame. Izaya took off the oxygen mask from his face when a nurse came into the room. She gave him a friendly smile and walked toward the top of his bed. Izaya wondered where Shinra was, but it was likely he didn't want to be involved in whatever trouble he'd created for himself, hence the hospital. Izaya was grateful though he'd only admit it to himself.

"How are you feeling?" the nurse asked happily.

"Hungry," Izaya confessed with confusion.

She smiled as she gently pulled back the covers. "Well, you were in and out of consciousness for five days." She motioned for him to sit up more.

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