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With his head tipped back, all he could see was the jar of Dad's special ocean salt and seaweed seasoning balanced precariously on the end of his beak.

He definitely did not see the skateboard on the floor in front of him. In fact, he didn't even see the skateboard as it took him for a ride across the kitchen floor. 

It was only after the skateboard got itself stuck on the rug and the jar of Dad's special ocean salt and seaweed seasoning flew out the window that Pterry was able to look down and see the skateboard. 


If only he had practiced his flying, he might have been able to fly out the window, right then and there, and save the jar of Dad's special ocean salt and seaweed seasoning before it disappeared from view. Instead, Pterry had to run out the door. 

He searched and searched but couldn't find Dad's special ocean salt and seaweed seasoning anywhere.

Double whoops!

Pterry the PterodactylWhere stories live. Discover now