chapter 1

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Arya pov

   Let me introduce myself,i am an 21 year old studying archeology at the Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi.I am the eldest of the two siblings and have an annoying little telling u about him because I'm at present waiting for him to find his keys so he could take to my college.

   I have a very important thesis to submit today and I'm running late waiting the so called annoying brother.

   Well at last after the longest 10min my brother yuv arrives in all his splendor.As i reach my college,i call my friend to know very every one is at as being a archeology student my professor has a habit of roaming around the campus to take our lectures.

   As I  reach the group of students,my professor turns and says "where have you been,ayra? You know how I'm waiting for your thesis,indeed we all are."

   I then am reminded of his favourite subject being portals to the extraterrestrial planets and thier which also happens to be my thesis topic.

   I say " ofcourse sir.its all done and I think u will find it agreeable ."

   Oh I forgot to tell u about my thesis right.last year i found a cave outside Varanasi on the bank of river Ganga
While we were having an educational tour.i could not forget the cave even after I returned home.

  So i went back the next day to study the cave with my cousin who happens to be a professional rockclimber.there i discoverd a cave with a monolith and writings on the wall in a language far before even sanskrit.this got my intrest and I started studying about the writings and took photos back to my professor.

   That's how I got to know about there being an ancient portal being present since even before the beginning of civilization.that we are actually the descendents of an alien race who visited many eons ago when the earth was just newly found.

   The alein race while leaving left the portal behind in case any of the descendants strong enough and pure enough in the blood wants to return can have an opportunity.

  I have grown up hearing this story where then later people thought them to be god's due to their marvelous and miraculous powers.

   The story goes along the lines after the return of the aliens to their planet,one day a beautiful princess hearing about the greatness of the warriors of the alein planet wanted to marry especially the one who played a primerole in the development of the civilization.He was known as Rudra ,the descendant of Aryan clan.
   The princess after a lot of search found the place where the portal was present.She then learnt that only the purest of the heart are allowed contact from the scriptures around the cave it was situated.being determined that her destiny her love was the warrior rudra she bravely entered the portal and never returned .but it is said that she had met her warrior who was indeed waiting for her to come to him since eternity as they have long lifespans and have only single fated mate their half of the soul.

   You might wonder how i know this story,that's because she was my ancestor the princess on the maternal side.i have grown up listening to the tails of her greatness,how she evolved into a greater being when she passed that portal but it is said her journey was not simple.A lot of the story is lost over the period of time and that is what is my thesis subject to find the portal and along with it the rest of the story.

   I after the initial research from the caves scriptures got to know that the portal site is somewhere in the Himalayan mountains near the Mount kailash.for further research I need the grant from my professor to go there and get more details.

   Since the day i found the cave i have this compulsion to find the portal as if someone is waiting for me to find the portal,as if i someone is calling for me to come.maybe it's my ancestor who wants to meet me or its just my delusion.

  So it is paramount that my thesis is accepted and I'm granted my team to go on further research of the site.

  Because it just is not my thesis but has become my compulsion ,my life's aim to find the portal.

To be continued


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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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