Chapter 6

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Newton's POV

Swoop smiled softly and held out her hand.

"Nice to see you again Newton. But my real name is actually Tori."

"Oh," Newton breathed, taking her hand and shaking it. "Then what are their names?"

"I'm Dash," Oddsock introduced, running a hand through his hair. That makes sense, Newton mused.

"What about you?" He turned to Toggle.

"I'm Janus. What brings you here?" Toggle asked. Tori flashed him a glare before turning back to Newton.

"Er... you guys remember Y/n, right?" The three nodded. "Well, uh, they were... kidnapped." Tori's eyes widened while Janus and Dash growled.

"I need your help getting them back," Newton sighed. "There are five men in the building, and from what I could see it's two stories."

"Where is this building?" Dash asked.

"It's not all that far from here," Newton explained. "It's a couple minutes walking distance."

"Hmm, I think I know what building you're talking about," Tori hummed. "Super run-down and old looking building?" Newton nodded.

"Didn't you say there were five people?" Janus asked.

"Yes," Newton nodded.

"Do you know anything about fighting?" Dash chimed in. Tori rolled her eyes.

"No." Newton shook his head.

"Alright then. Follow us." And with that said, Tori grabbed his hand and led him inside.

Your POV

You walked out of the room, gripping onto the blanket that you wrapped around your shoulders.

You had put on the outfit like the man told you since you didn't want to deal with any consequences that might occur if you had disobeyed. However, you were quite uncomfortable and he didn't say that you couldn't cover yourself up, so you grabbed the blanket that laid on the bed and covered yourself with it.

When the man saw you, he looked quite angry. You stopped in your tracks and looked at him, eyes wide.

"Take the blanket off," he growled. You said nothing and tightened your grip on the blanket.

"I said," he grabbed the whip, "take it off!" You didn't give him the chance to hit you and quickly let the blanket fall.

What you had on underneath couldn't even be counted as clothing. You wore a skirt so short that you might as well have not even worn it at all and a skin tight crop top made completely out of mesh.

You hated the outfit with every fiber of your being but the man smirked and looked you up and down.

"Now then," he pointed to the pole, "dance."

(Word count: 416)

It's Nice to See you Again (Newton x Reader) BOOK 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant